Objects of Substance- Head Girls Honour Board

Months later, and now firmly ensconced as Head Girl, a quick dash to the toilet block announced notoriety. The wall of the cubicle I’d chosen had portrayed in black writing: ‘Liz Marks thinks she’s great.’ Not exactly compliment ary. At lunch time I hurried back with cleaning equipment. Someone had added in bigger letters: ‘She is.’ Quandary - should I wait for further comment or miss basketball practice trying to erase the poorly executed lettering? Ted, the groundsman, was invaluable. ”

1950 Prefects

Back row: Georgina Kathryn Quin, Rosemary Maclean, Lyndal Edmiston, Margaret Roberts, Dorothy Barbara Payne Front row: Barbara Cochran, Elizabeth Marks (Head Girl), Claire Savage.

The Head Girls honour board has been placed in the Annie Mackay Room for a very good reason. It is central to the School; it is a well frequented space by all age groups and staff; it is where our guests are ushered into and introduced to our community; historically, the whole school once met here for daily assembly; it was the home for thousands of boarders; and it speaks to all of achievement, honour, aspiration, and service.

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