Objects of Substance- Head Girls Honour Board


BGGS 1897, 1977, 1978,1979 Annual Reports.

BGGS Archives, Recollections 9 March 1973 of Mrs Olive Thatcher nee Adam and Mrs Emily Roe nee Haymen

BGGS Archives, Recollections 3 May 1973 of Miss Marjorie Elliott

BGGS 1915-25 School Magazine

BGGS Board Minutes 1989-1990

Email from Anna Booys nee Joughin 11.4.23

Email from Katrina Walker nee Heer 12.4.23

Email from Karalyn Shaw nee Orr 17.4.23

Email from Elizabeth Jameson 17.4.23

Email from Esther Arumugam nee Jenkins 17.4.23

Email from Alison Jack nee McAdam 18.4.23

Email from Judith Hancock 18.4.23

Email from Ann Harrap 18.4.23

Email from Diana Lohrisch 18.4.23

Email from Sheena Boughen 19.4.23

Email from Caitlin Flett nee Hunter 19.4.23

Email from Lillian Duncombe nee Fielding 20.4.23

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