Objects of Substance - Dinner Sixth Forms

2017: Lucinda Duke (Head Girl), guest speaker, Lieutenant Natalie Davies (2006), and Elizabeth Prins (Head Girl) The program to celebrate the end of secondary school life in 2023 looks much more professional, but perhaps it is not that different from Wendy’s 1967 memento. Both documents capture specifics of an event: one of those moments in time that are experienced and celebrated and then remembered with a complexity of emotions. I have attended many Valedictory dinners as a staff member, often being invited to sit with my students and their parents, and what I take away from these times is the sense of community: everyone on the room is a member of a special family but one that will never meet like this ever again. Kristine Cooke [Harvey 1967] English teacher


McDonald, L. BGGS [1963] Brisbane Girls Grammar School Annual Report

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