Objects of Substance - Dinner Sixth Forms

Perhaps the most appropriate and obvious change is that, instead of one parent, both parents have attended since 1972 to celebrate the end of one daughter’s years at the School. I would have loved my father to have attended my dinner, and I know how my husband attended our daughter’s event in 1998 with such pride. This program is the only one of two donated to our archives from the earlier years of this event and belonged to my Form 6A schoolfriend, Wendy Clarke. On the back was a place for the autographs she collected. While this activity was of the moment, the autographs written by students and staff on the back of such programs as these are immensely valuable to the School as they verify student names and provide nicknames that may not be noted anywhere else. Since 2006 the random autographs on programs the archive may never see has been replaced by the Valedictory Register with its blue leather cover. It chronicles every Year 12 student in hand-drawn calligraphy by Trisha Smout. The Head Girls and the year motto are clearly designated.

2008: Valedictory Register

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