1918 School Magazine
December, 1918.
RESULTS OF INTER-SCHOOL MATCHES. . v. B.G.H.8., played home .... 2 . v. C.E.H.8., played home .... 2 . v. I.G.8., played home .... 2; . v. B.G.H.8., played away .... 2: . v. C.E.H.8., played away .... 2; . v. I.G.M., played away .... 2:
The team girls worked well and swam well, but our opponents were too strong, and the Brockway Cup Race resulted in a win for the High ,ehool, who did the race in 90 4/5 seconds, beating us by two seconds. In the Intersehool Carnival, D. Sylow, a new strong meminer of the team, who was unfortun- ately not eligible for the Broekway Cup team, came second in the championship being only 1/5 second behind the winner; she also won the breast stroke race. In the inal results we came third, being b B.O.G.tf B.O.G.G. B.0.0.8. B.G.G.8 B.G.G.8 B.G.O.8 41-170 10-191 31-107 37-192 38-213 17-222 BASKET BALL NOTES. T HIS year, we have succeeded in winning the Basket Ball pennant, in spite of hav- ing had rather bad luck with the mema- bers of the team. Two of the girls dropped out during the season, and we have had emergen- cies in most of the matches. The first time we ployed the Ipswich Grammar School they beat us, but we won the return match. In conse- quence, we tied for Arst place. It had been decided at the end of the 1917 season, that if ever again two schools were each entitled to a pennant, a final mateh should be played on a neutral court. Misses Harker and Jarett kindly allowed us the use of their grounds, and we enjoyed a hard-fought battle, the plea- sures being naturally heightened by the fact that we were the vietors. The C team for 1918-formed entirely of girls who entered the sehool at Christma-- has done good work. Indeed, several members were promoted to the B. team during the sea- son, and one proved herself thoroughly eapable of flling a vacant place in the A. Team for two natehes. The general play has been quite satisfactory, free from roughness for the maost part, each player remembering that she was working for the sueess of the team, and not for any personal glory. After some most harrowing experieneos, Form VI. have managed to become the proud posses- sees of the Inter-Porm hield. We all sincerely thank Miss Lyons, who, once .more, has devoted a great deal of time to oeeach- in us. We shall be sorry to have to say fare- well to the majority of our A. team girls, and iemloe those who will sueeeed them next year to "Carry On." LH.H. SWIMMING NOTES We have had rather hard luck in swimming this year, the eshool not having dletinguished itlf at this sport. On 3rd August our Intereehol ports were held ia the Domain. In spitf et the thraten- ing weather they were very s-eu-uL The Amateur Athletic Assoeiationes dly suppllI the slas, and with the permistios oa the I 1 :L I -
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