1918 School Magazine




but after much weighty deliberbtlon, M. Lamb was chosen, as she has represented the school In two tegms, and also in the Inteesehools Sports team-H. Jackson and 8. Drake, who have both represented the school in two teams, ran very eqse, and E. Hart would have proved a dan. gerous rival but that, owing to illness, she wnas anable to tke part in the Intersehool sports. In connection with this broocb, the donor also very generously 9tered primes for the three

best designs. The prizes were won by D. te phens, E. Hart, and 0. Burton, Dorothea's de- sign being chosen. Once again we are most proad to have we- taiaed the 8.S.A. Cup, as the result of ourt hav- ing managed to secure both the Tennis ad Ba.- ket Ball pennants for 1918. May we be alil. to repeat the performance in 1919! . O. L,




mantch at unihble to Olb irlu

e ladHY'd the annuial Old (jiirlw' the begicn ing of th' ae'usedhnust, were ieh it owing te, hail w eatteer. The' w~er.' lt'tiing Icy 5 guines.

HIA year, the pennant has hrneu woni for the first tinme since 1913, but the tennig ot' the schlool as a whole i. very weak, and when, owing to Margaret Haym,'."e 'a illnco,, there was a vacancy In the teamca, we haud to borrow Marjorie Lamh from the basket-hall seven. All the members of the team will he leaving at the end of the year, so everyone must buck up and prcitise hard for next year'a lour. At the beginning of the seasn, N. Drake was the only member of last year's team, the new ones beiag-M. lowler, .T. Fraser, and M. Lamb. Prospects did not seem very bright, but owing to hard praeties we hsve managed to win all our matches, except the one against Tpswleh, on their court, which we lost by 3 points in spite tf the very valuable assistance of M. Haymen.

~11inea WXilk i;:son'as t'hulle',ee 'up has again Ueen ison by I'orn, VI. with 1'. as verv close ,seonid. The Nchlaeel 'rournament is acot yet Iiniahed. 'Tht' team takes this opportunity of thanking !Jiss $t.'eedlceun for the great interest abe has takec in the' tennis of the ,whool, and also for the' hard woe~rk she has desee for the Club. We would alse like to thnnk the Hoya' team and Mfr. B rhouer, aned Mlr. Davilso, for the exellent practlee. they have giv'en us through the year. fur. no doubt, their help went a long way towards 'aur w inning the pennant.


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