1918 School Magazine
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December, 1918.
Pinehinello, the original of our Punch and Judy -Pontias and Judas. Altogether a most delightful summer has been experienced. The clear, stimulating northern cli- mate being most enjoyable. W HEN war broke out, Miss Grace Wilson was Matron of the Brisbane General Hospital; she volunteered for service abrod, and organised a hospital to go to France. When they -eached Egypt the wounded were coming in so fast, that they were sent to Lemnos. Here they had a very bad time owing to shortage of supplies, danger from Austria aeroplanes, and the gales which knocked the tents over. How-- ever, Matron Wilson held her staff together imostl wonderfully, in spite of all hardships and was - mentioned in the "London Gazette" for din- tinguished and gallant services rendered in con- nection with the Mediterraneai Expeditionary Force, and she was awarded the Royal ied Cross of the First Class; at the end of the time she was present on the "Agamemnon" when the midshipman cane t6 report to the comamnder that all the boats had left Oallipoli without mim- hap. From Lemnos she went to Abassia in Egypt, where she established the No. 3 A.G.H., at the old Egyptian Military Barracks, and then did administrative work in connection with all the hospitals in Egypt and was so successful that she was mentioned in the "London Gazette." Her next move was to England, where she established No. 3 A.O.H. in Kitchener Hospital. at 9righton, where the inimense buildings con- tained nearly 2000 beds. From Brighton she and UR examination marks may not be much to look at, but, in other directions-'!!! This year we have won the Basket Ball $hield, the Tennis Cup, and the Slag for the tea rae, in the Interform competitions. The Tennis, Basket Baell, and Swimming Captains are all members of VI.th, and in. addition to these, J. Fraser is a member of the Tennis team. sad L. Maddaom and U. Morris represented us in the Athletle bports, the former winning the Hur- dies Championship and obtaining second place to the !Iigh Jurmp VL O
her hospital staff went to Abbeville in France, where they still were when she wrote last. For six months she was appointed Matron in Charge at Horseferry Road, London, but she returned early in the year. This hospital is housed in huts and tents, and they had a very anxious time when the (Germans broke through near Amiens in April last; the bombs were continu- zlly falling round them, onie actually fell in the middle of the hospital, but no one was hurt, and they had everthing in readiness to leave at a moment's notice. Mister '.unice Muriel Paten, of the Australian Army Nursing Merviee, left on active service on eptembher 24, 1l14, being one of four Army Nurnes c'hosen to rcconrllmay the first troops to leave Q(ueenslaud. After absmt ten months servie in Egy it, she was truHsferred to Englnnd and served iL. vari- on Military Hospitals there, being promoted to the rnk of Heed Hinter. In the Birthdny Honours list of 191T, she re- ceived the Royal Red Cross, 2nr c.las, in recog- nition of her servies as Acting..Matron of No. 2 Auptruliun Auxiliary Hospital, Mouthull. She is now Divisional Sister in a British Genera Hospital in Frtince. ind before eace was de- clareld, had been offered long service furlough to return to Australin. Pearl ('contanCe Paten. Australinn Army Mas- snge Corps. ifter being attauched for .some time to the staff of the Uanne Hospital. Ktinlngron Point, left on netive service on October 14. 1!)18. Mister Mona Meonreh is still in Indin. blue for swinlnming. and 8. )Drak. for tennis, ulso S. Drake and .I. Frazer, who won the School- girls' l)oubles Chnipionnhip of (queenstland. Our efforts in the scholastic field have some- how not mitet with e(quall Sue'en. We seem to he doteriorating, and one of our clussienl schol- nrs has confessed thnt the only I 4 tin she knows is '"Ignis Via," an idiomaltic wny of translat- ing "Fire away." There is a heated argument going on between two ,,members of the Form as to wthther fat' new may be measured by the average weight \We ,ongrntulate I). Stephens on winning her
Form Notes.
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