1918 School Magazine



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December, 1918.

rmmm 01O UEOOL TRAMS: Tenal.-S. Drake (Capt.), J. Fraser, M. Fowler, M. Haymen, M. Lamnb. askit BaU--E. Hart (Capt.), H. Jackson, M. Lamb, M. Wagner, A. Carmichael, I. Ir- vine, E. Crick, N. Morris, N. Wilkinson, M. MeFarlane. Swimmng-D. Stephens (Capt.), D. Sylow, N.

Barren, U.

Wilkinson, M. Haymen, A. Criek, M. Terry (emergeney).

Intersehool Sports-H. Jackson CCapt.), G. Hey- worth, L. Maddleon, U. Morrir, P. Francia, M. Lamb, M. White, T. Bird, N. Jakes, B. Carr, H. Wagner, 0. 8purgin, M. Stephenson, N. Cribb, N. Wilkinson, B. Skinner, R. Hal- lam, E. Jones, M. Terry.


Old Girls' Notes.

T HE B.G.G.8.O.G.A. has now over a hun- dred members, several of the young girls who have recently left school having joined this year. The first general meeting at which the oMoers for the year were elected, was held in Finney's Cafe. The Tennis match, which is usually held to- wards the latter end of the year, waa this year arranged for April, owing to the fact that' the day was almost invariably wet. Unfortunately, this change of date did not effect a change of weather, and the match could not be finished. The Association represented by MiMes Dol- lar, Hurwood, Coghlan, and Margaret Campbell challenged the Present Girls, Misses J. Fraser, Lamb, C. Drake, and Fowler, and won by seven games in three sets. A social afternoon was held at the sehool in June, and those present were much interated in a game of Basket Ball played by two teams of "Old Girls," arranged by Mis Lyons. The river trip on the "Lucinda" which took place a little earlier this year, was very popu- lar, and the afternoon was very pleanantly spent by many of our members and their friends. The Social Evening which formed the fnal meeting of the year was held at the School ia aid of the Australian Comforts' Fund, which, in spite of the heavy rain, will beneit to the extent of almost £5. Misses Engel and Green- ield contributed a humorous duologue and a musieal programme in which Misses . Quinn, Rhire, K. and U. Jones, and Mr. Templetoe a- silted, was brought to a cloae by a play eharla terised by M'selle Ellis and Misses Lyons and Gasteen. Mra. Fisher (Doris Wright) has a sa. Mr. Drew (Jean MeWhirter) has a sm. Mrs Jaeebs (Olg Retere) has a daughter.

Mrs. J. 8. Wood (Leader Milne) has a son. Oona Brown married Erie Plant. Adelaide Marsall married Arehibald Sinclair. Doris Marehant married Albert Elliott. Ella Hood married Albert Lewis. Mollie CoHin married Mr. Chriatopherson, who has gone to the Front. ATENT news from Dr. Bourne tells of a week's holiday in August, spent with sonie friends from London at Ilkley, on the Yorkahire Moors. Lovely long walks were taken and eurious pre-historie seratehinp found on roeks-the meaning of which seems obscure. The beautiful town of Bolton Abbey was ex- plored, and with the glorious woods and the swiftly rushing Wharfe, with its tributary the Stride, greatly admired and enjoyed. In the following month, while on an inspecting tour at lipon, opportunity was taken to visit Fountains Abbey, the mosat beautiful ruin in the country-and to live over in imagination the life lived by the ola monks in this lovely re* treat. Where did they dine, where cook their food--eatch their fsh-entertain their guests- nurse their sicek, ete.? Ripen Cathedral was also most interesting-- with its crypt dating baek to 1.W--in which is a hole through which people had to erawl for trial by ordeal. The hole is really big enoagh for inyone to get through, but if one had a bad eonaience it might put the fear of God into one, so that one would be afraid to try. The choir seats are most beautifully earved thelgh the mbjeete choaen are very amuriag, sreh a Jonah eeming out of the Whale-Poatia Pilate hetag earried away ia a barrow by Judae lJass. lot-tram an old Italia mytery play eeaed Lizzie Mills married H. W. Webster. Edna Hull married Alan Campbell.




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