June 1941 School Magazine

June, 19.41,

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Maga_z·ne

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EDITORIAL Never before in the history of the world has there bee::t such an amazing change as in the last twelve months, for practically the whole of Europe has been crushed by the enemy and the British Empire is passing through one of the most criti-- call phases in her history. We know that ultimate victory is assured and with the ever increasing aid of the United States, to whom we are becoming more and more closely united, we hope that this peace will come more speedily. The people of Britain have been forced to witness the destruction of some of their most famous buildings, but in spite of these relentless bombings, their firm courage has never _been shaken. Here in this lovely peaceful land we cannot realiso tha sufferings of our kinsmen in Great Britain, for our shores have not been attacked by a ruthless enemy. They are serving, just as the men in the fighting forces are serving, to prevent the enslaving of the whole world and in this they are beoring the sorest trials for us. Australians are gradually realising more and more the absolute necessity of doing their utmost to help Great Britain and all men and women must play the parts allotted to them. Our fighting forces are serving abroad to protect us and we in our turn must also serve, doing our utmost to help them in a lleviating as best we can the hard- ships which they are enduring for us. We must also remember the purpose of our education and derive from it that which will help us in the future to contribute to the establishment of a social order in which war would be unthinkable . Let us there- fore remember this so that when peace is restored we may he able to maintain it.

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