June 1941 School Magazine
Ju.ne, 1941
Brisbane · Girls' Grammar School Magazine
Brisbane Cirls' Grammar School Magazine
June, 1941
During the past six months there has been a great deal of enthusiasm for knitting articles for the variou s war funds. At !he beginning of the year a War Work Committee was formed with the, assistance of Mrs . Jackson and Miss Kennedy. £16/10/- has been collected for the purchase of wool, which the Committee has distr ibuted. Its members have also received, packed and d elivered the finished articles. We have sent 9 sleeve-l ess cardigans, 9 pairs of knee caps, 6 pairs of mittens and five other articles to the Red Cross Fund, e nd to th e Comforts ' Fund 12 pairs of socks, 26 skull caps, 10 pairs of mittens 10 b a laclavas and 3 othe-r articles. 9 khaki balaclavas have been sent to the University Women's War Work Group for the Legacy Club. In addition to these ll baby's coats and jumpers, l baby's dress and 2 singlets, 9 pairs of ,socks and 8 waistcoat. mufflers have been made for the Refugee Section .of th e R~? Cross to be sent to bombed areas in England. The School is at present knitting brightly-coloured rugs for the Bush Nursing Associa tion. Congratulations to the Boarders who have finishoed theirs firs t a nd ·in the record time of three days. - Old Girls' Day w as a most pleasant occasion in spite of !he rain which prevented !he playing of the tennis matches. The School net ball teams, how- (;ver, enjoyed the games against the Old Girls, who provided our te_ams with g ood practice for the Inter-School matches. During the first term, the School enjoyed Mr. Purdie's--recitals from "Hamlet" and "A Mid-Summer Night's Dream", the Senior and Junior girls especially profiting from his interpretation of these plays. The School _spent a most enjoyable afternoon watching an exhibition 1e-nnis match, given by Mrs. W estacott, Miss McGill, Mr. Hancock and Mr. Chave. We appreciated very much their kindness in giving up an afternoon iv play for us and the teams le~rned ~uch from their ·excellent tennis. Clubs which have proved so popular were resumed at the beginning cf ihe second term but interest is d ivided between them and practice for our .School Concert to be held on June 25th. Again this year there is a large group learning _First Aid and another Home Nursing, an innovation this year. There are also Knitting, Games and Reading Clubs.
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Practice was very keen for the Brockway and McWhirte-r Cups and · The tennis and net ball teams have begun their Inter-School matches and regular practice is in progress for the Athletics. By courtesy of "The Telegraph" As the numbers in the school this year have greatly increased a new form has be-en added and Miss Colvin, an C ld Girl of the School, has been appointed lD the Staff. We would like io take this opportunity of welcoming her . AT THE 'INTER-SCHOOL SWIMMING SPORTS 1:2
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