~he :Maga;;ine nf the 1Jl risbane <§iris' <§rammar School. ·
Editori al.
H IS yenr much valunble wo rl< has been do n e In conn 'Ction ~ with th e Lib r a ry , assuring It a much mo r e im po r tant plac~ In the life of the Schoo l tha u it e ve r held be fo r e. \Ye • ~ have t he ma kings of a l ibrary o ( which we may well ur proud. a nd It Is to be ho ped tba t t he g irls will make full ·use of it , a nd cultivate earl y t he love of good l.looks. fo r a wide J"a n ge of r eading Is abso lu t e ly n e:::essury f o r a ll who w ish t o h roa cl on and r e fin e t he ir tho ugh ts, and who desi r e to become acq uu lnLl' truP,t. wisest. a nd most e nt e rtaining o f eompa n ions-comJla ti lons who wil l stand by a nd ch eer her to t he en d o f he r days. ~!>,. library eom mltlt>t' has been formed , wh lr h. a long w ith IU; othe r d u tle!>. has u ndertali•'n the e d it ing of the Schoo l :Magazine. Th e :s tandnrd or con tr ihuli ou:< h as alwa ys been h ig h . and we ho pe that It will ronllnuc so to bl' . .\1erit In t he w r ltln A" o f the s ho r t sto r y 1!! gt:nerally adm owl~>~ l c:"· ' to be difficu l t of atta inment, hu t Y'>tt un• urgE>d to makE' i h l• <'tr•>rt. The ha r der t h e ~oal , t he g rNILPr th e satisfaction in its al'!ll \P- m ent. It Is n o l~worthy th at t his year tile School wa~ dsit<'cl for th•• Jirst time by t he Governo r of (~ u t:en!llaud, ' ' ho Is. lndp,•rl. out· "Vis ito r ," and hl11 pr~:!lence W U!! duly UPJ>reclnted , llll IIHJl t••·t•·d ull t be r lass r oom11. a nd later add re~Ke rl the schoo l In thl' u:s~~mhly hall. po inting o u t thut Ki n <"e ri ty ill t he ld·yuo te of ~choc I lite. and adm o n iS'hlng U!l tn t'her ls h that spirit I n urtcr yenrH ancl so hec•om~> true-h ea rted and tuwful wo m f> n . Du ring t he tlr:;t term o u r sym J illth~ was u rou11ed hy th o rli~ tresslng cond it ions resu lti ng fr om tlw h u ~h firE'!I In tht-! Stutt: of Ylctorla, w hich Rwept O\'Cr and ru ln t•d large nn·11s of vuluahlc timber country, leaving many rumiliPR without home or l!ll1Jllny· ment, a nd the Sr hoo l ton tr lbut •·rl tnwn r dA a f und raiN('() to mnintain th eRt> peopl t> t emporaril y. ancl h t> lp to t·c-l~tahli!' h thPm in hnlttr·s and occupa tio n!!.