June 1923 School Magazine
June, 19·23.
june, 1923 .
Notes. other mistres!::ieS have taken us to One rrreo Hill and to d·ifferent beauty spots or Bris•bane. Instead of ·knitting slip-[Jer.s this year ::-:;carves are the v-ogue, and there i:; '~ chC?ice ''·at·iety or colours among them. People .passin.g he-re u11 .Saturday night" might wonder as lo the re>tsou of the s·ho~ts and litugMer issuing from the inside or Lhc· building--the excited •boarders are playiu~.: ping-pong. During tlhe wet weather, which prevenle(l us from goin-g outside itller tea, IVI"iss -M~ckay read us the story of Cranlotcl, w-hich was very delight!ul. Many are eounting the days and even the hour-s till the ·holidays, to whic:h we all are loakin·g ro·rwanl with great expectations. pass over her lace. They seem to kiss t.he golden orb ·and then urearniJ.y float on . But soon they gather, and . more and more come, until t 1 he moon anc~ stars are · hidd~n and the sky is clark. Rain -b0gins to fall, and the tllluHler roars as though to fo:·.IJid the moon to come rorth again. It seems that the moon will ·be seen no more that night . But soon the sh<>wer passes, the clouds slowly drill away ancl the· stars shine r.orth once more. And then the ·moon in au ~1er dory shines forth upon the earth beneath . P.H., IV. D.
Boarders' '!'lui Boarders this year are well repre- se·nted in the basket ball and tennis teams, although we are so few; ·but none seem to shine at s-wimming. Miss Lockington is coaching \U:i in 'ba.::!ket ball, ·anU we hotle to have quite a creditable team wit•h whieh to race the day g-irls at the end or the season. Owin~::;)·o the frenuent matches on our courts, ou·.r .Saturday afternoons have l>een spent at home, as those who are not tean1 girls are very interested in watching· the nard-fought contests. We s·hall be very sorry to lose Doris next term, as she ha.s been here a consideraible time, and has won a Illace in the B te:.1111 of both basket ball aud tennis . ~wo very enjoy-a-hie pienics were spent at Sand·gale · last term with Miss Wall, and our 1t is nigb.t and all is still save .for the sound or the wind in the trees. M·illions ol stars twinkle in the heavens and soft 1V1hile clouds fioat dreamily -across. The moon has not yet risen ·but the patch ol light in the east heralds 11er approac:h. Then the clouds on the borizon become li!>·!led with gol offer our congl'atulations to the successful candidates in the Junior and ·Senior, especi- ally t<> Jessie .Stephenson, rwho is the first girl to bead the li~t in the Senior. Not only has she had ·a ,wonderful series of scholasl.!c succes~es , ·CO!mmeucing ·with the :winning of the Byrnes' nledal in the Junior, ,but she alsD represented the school in swim))l·_illg, ·l!asket ball," ~nd a~hletics. Jessie ls :·· ·wholl:Y a 'Grammar School •p roduct, for she Gall\e to us whe11 she was quite -a little >girl. We .wlah her great success in the very difficult cours,, she is und~rtaklng ;>.t •the Un·i-versity. We have also to congratul-ate Lexie ·Drake on winning the Mackinlay Scholar~Ship, and Katharine :McGregor and Un-a •Morris on tal<- ing their B.·A.'s 1with ·honours. The~-~ · fine e:> vantage::s of .po::u::~esslng a school ,s·wimming bath. We realise, .however, the >mpossi·bi!- ity ot achieving It unaided, -and the most sanguine of us hope against hope that some ki ndly millionaire will take pity on us, and provide the where;withal. At the invitation o! Vhe B_qy,~· (iraml!nar Hchool, we wer~ present at the lay!n·g o! the foundation stone o! th-e War . Memorial · I,Lln·a•·r, tC~ward -·--**-- The Moon. "T·he wisest thing·s, .Is the 1work that lies under his nose, •Wi·Vh the tools that lie under ·his hand." --**-- Honouring· the Anzacs. A choir wa.s .formed by .members ,f rolll the · B'OYS' and Girls' Granunur Sr.;hool.s, \'¥"hich rendered Kipling'1s Recessional and other ap- propriate lllUSic during the afterno·on. Anzac Day was observed in London by an impressive memorial service, ancl ftoral tr>bu:tes were paid to our Australi-an solc\iers. The ce11tre wrea•th was cqmposed or real Aua-· tralian golden wattle. Sir Joseph Oook pre- sented a wrea-th of Australian tiger lilies. un which was inscribed, "In gloriou'S me.mory of the Anzacs who fell tor their country un April 25th, 1923.' ' The heroic l-anding of our soldiers proved that Australians are to be depen-ded up•on to help their mother country in her hour ot ueed. N. C. (Commercial). -**- Our Form. It o-ften drives tls nearly crazy, And makes our urains feel rather hazy . I think a better plan would be, (If we coul!l make the teachers see), To quit the rooms these sunny hont·s. Aud sport ourse·lves in nature'.s b9wers. M. Cri·l>b, L. Ill, We are a lorm ol 10 in all, Who love to play tennis and baske t ball; Hut F"rench, Algebra, Latiu, and Hi;tory . Seenl to us the Inost nerve-1'~\cking lllJ !::ite1'Y . In ::~umrnrn· time our roout ·is lJn~ezy- When winter comes it's fearfully ft:eezy- - ( :
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