June 1921 School Magazine
Bon Accord Falls.
Onco every year the r.ival sclhools, In ail their might assemble, 'l'o cheer for victory for their team, TiIl all the grandstands tremble. 'Ihe team giris tra,in for weeks and weeks, Encouragecl by the school, We pa.t thern on the back ancl say, 'Ihey'r'e only to keep coo1. This is, of course, an easy task, When in the baths they ilive, T'he waters ripple ,ne.ath their strokes, With gr,acefurl strength they strive. Practically all the foliage of the trees. the trunks of rvhich rve doclgeil betrveen, could be seen waving majestically in lhe bleeze riglt up high in the air above the scrub, as fhough unconscious of all the beauty.rvhich Nature gitrt:s to plants ot lesser heights as rveli as to the giants. .But the ilreadecl Gytnpie trees are not so tall, and lvhenevel large hairy leaves ale seen on the grouncl one must treacl warily. The most wonderful ancl lascinating rsl.ghl to be seen in Montville, on the Bilackall Range, is the Bon Accord Falls. One day a few of us clecicled to explore them, and set out earrly in the afternoon. After a short walk and a steep descent ive reached some thick ,scrurb, through which rarr the tiny creek which ultimately ends in the magnificent waterfall. Over rickety log anJ stones $'e managed to cross the stream anrl proceeded along a very rough track where the undergrowth had been cut away. The singing of the bird.s up in the trees ald the clack of the stockrvhi,p-bircl mingled rvith ilre sound of running water and the roar of the f.ells in the distance, yet everything seeineC so silent in that cool, ,green spot, hiciden f,rorn the sun. The undergrowth consists mainly o{ our old lan'tana, though plenty of other cl'eepers ancl plants are there also, and thicll, rvater-vines hang down from the branches lihe .rural swings. Anyone attempting to hurry through the scru,b would soon be slopped by the untriendly lawyer vines anJ "iveit-a-whiles," which incleecl make you rvait a considerable while, as each little clinging prir:kly branch determines to hold on.
As the streams run,s on, it increases iit speed and volume, and as the pa,th becomes rougher ancl numerou,s beautiful litile water- f alls are f ormed. The rocky track which for the most par"t moves parallel with the water, now and theJt crosses from one side to the other, and it .is only with great luck and dexterity that one can get across with dry feet. One of us was crossing in one place rvhen a huge eel stvisheil through the shallow water near her .feet, and nearly caused her .a ducking. The water as it comes nearer to the Falls forms numerous wide pools, one of .lvhich is very large and deep, and is knorvn as the Swimming Pool. The water pours in a smtll wa,terfall into a wide po01, the surface oii rvhich is as smooth as grlass and which be- trays nb sign of the whirling current beneath, except rvhen the water is poured over anothul. ledge of rock further on in a great cascade. A11 round the edges of the pool graceful ferns a:rd reeds dip rheir tips in rhe water. Hcre the pa,th is very rocky, and high above the rushing rvater, and it is necessary to hrng r)n to the passing saplings like grim cleath. All along the track in the clefts of the rocks are numerous orchids with their blos,soms of pale lavender, pink, white, oi many oilrer colours, almost hiding the dark green leaves. Finally, after countles,s twistings ancl turn- ings the vast column of .lvater crashes ov,.lr the edge of a precipice, ancl with the sprny flying from it, dashes to the very bottom of a gorge about thlee thousand feet belorv the precipice. A.L.D., Form V. 1'hen our emotions knorv no bouncls, We shout, ancl cheer, and laugh, Hours of excitement crowded in .4. minuto and a halI. We cheer ,them on, rbut all in vain, Their toil is unavailing, The lligh h3s won the Cu.p at last, 'Midst cheers and loud betvailing. Tho' our team won ,but second pl,ace, Gruclge not your commen.lation, They'll win the cup for sure next year, Mlds't deafening ovation. M.8,, IV A.
The Brockway Cup.
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