June 1921 School Magazine

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llrisbane (iirls' Glarnmar School.


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on1y, everybocly, especially those girls rvho were leaving at the end of tLhe year, was sotry to bicl her good.bye. This year we \vere so unfortunate as to lose trvo of our mistresses, 1\{iss Keys and llaclamoiseile El]is, who have 'both been at the school for some years. But, although rve feit extremely sorry, this did not preYent us fronr giving a hearty welcome to Miss Field- ing and l\{rs. Green. The whole school lvas dismayed after the Daster holiclays rvhen it was announced tLhnt l\{iss Lockington w:ls i11, and would be awa.y for a mouth. l)uring those four u'eeks Nliss I(ennerly, one of out old girls, took the senior and juniol rl:rthematics. \Me are all keenly interested in sport, anil girls may non' be seen in the Iunclr hour vig-

girls passecl, Glaclys Spurgin' Doris Howlett' lncl I{alhleen Campbell-rBrown winning Opeii Scholarships. l re wish them the best of suc- cess at the l.lnivsrsity' In the Junior 3l giris passetl, 13 gaining Extension Scholarship:' iVn "ong.atulate them all, especially Jessie Stephensou, rvho rvon the Byrne's Memor''il1 l\ilerlal for

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