July 1967 School Magazine

Brlsbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Brisbane Glrls' Grammar School Magazine

July, 1967

Jul,t, 1957

29tb April-8th May-Ftfty-three Sixth form girls with Miss Neil, Miss Tuckett, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Wintet enjoyed their educational trip to Heron Island. 18th May-French students from the Senior School attended a play "Les Femmes Savantes" at the City Hall. 20th May-- 'y1't first basketball and tennis matches of the season v/ere played against Ipswich Girls' Grammar School. Nearly all out teams v/ere successful. 7st-2nd June-Ov concert was held at Brisbane State High School, a quite enjoyable evening for all. Our thanks go to all who helped. 14tb June-:The first Interhouse Debate, that freedom is a myth, #as held between Gibson and England houses. Gibson was the successful one. 16th June-Jwenty-five girls from the Science Club attended the Science Display at the University. Many other sixth formers also attended. 16th June-Janet Fell represented our school in the Jaycees Public Speaking. Janet won the distict finals and on 23rd June competed in the Brisbane finals. Although she did not make the State finals, she is still one of the best seven student pui-:lic- speakers in Brisbane. 16th and 23rd June-History students from the sixth forms participated in a History Seminar held at the Brisbane Grammar School. \Y/ith the Interhouse Athletics Carnival, Interhouse Singing Competition, the Sixth Form Dance and School Day ahead of us, as well as examinations, we shall be so busy at school that we shall need our holidays at August.

CURRENT EVENTS Last year \Me said farewell to Mrs. Ryland and Miss Maclean who, after many years of teaching here, have retired. N{iss Jacobs and Miss Sherrington also left us and Miss Hardcastle stayed to take only the tennis coaching. \7e rvere sad that because of prouacted illness Miss Paterson was not with us second term. ril/e welcome Miss Piper, Miss D'Arcy, Mrs. Kriight and Miss Hatton to our staff this year. Our second formers have enjoyed trvo concerts given by the A.B.C. Symphony Orchesrra, the first conducted by Moshe Atzmon, the second by Ezra Rachlin. 70th March-Some of the sixth formers went on a Zoology excursion to Highvale. 77tb Marcb-Our softball team won the Premiership for us by defeating Somerville House at Downey Park. 15th March-New members of the school were presented with copies of the Nerv Testament by The Gideons International 13tb-20th Marcb-Some of the fifth and sixth formers saw the College Players' presentation of "Hamlet" at the Festival Hall. 17th-l8tb March---The Interschool Swimming Carnival was held at the Valley pool. Our congratulations go to the Brisbane State High School who vron the highest aggregate and to our own team who did quite well in coming fifth. 19th March-Our school debating team was narrowly defeated by one point by the Brigidine Convent team vrhich were the best last year. 1st April-The Interschool Lifesaving Competition vras held at St. Peter's, the Mc\X/hirter Cup being won by St. Hilda's. This year our team was selected by a different method so that many more girls participated. 18th Aprii-:lhird-forms went on a biology excursion to Cedar Creek. 19tb April-Some fifth-formers went on a geography excursion in the Brisbane Valley. 26th April--4he whole school attended traffic lectures given by the police at school.



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