July 1967 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
July, 1967
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61,, Mogorirn "/ 6L fir;rlorn Qirls' Qro*rro, Srlool EDITORIAL "I am a part ol all that I haue met; Yet all experience is an arch uheretltro' Glearns that untraaell'd. woild, whose'margin lades For euer and tor eoer when I moae." -T ennyson Lile abounds in opportunities but it is up to us to take lull ad.uantage ol tbe.m. All experience enriches our liues. Euen il late seems unkind. to us, u)e baue gained. something-a lesson learned, sorne happy memory ialued all the rnore in contrast with euents less happy. Each experience has become a part of us, a part of our back- ground whicb prepares us for our fature. Yet the ntore ue experience, the rnore ue realize that there is rnucb yet to be experienced. We are joung; on the threshold. ol life. Oar school years are a nxost impoltant preparation and. can be uery prolitable and happy il it choose to rnake thern so. Lile is a uast panolatfla belore us - softxe may trauel, many will settle doun into a chosen work or career, most of us will want to enter the .most difficult, challenging and potentially reuarding career a woTaan 64n sl)ss5s-mamiage, wilehood and motherbood. It is up to us to rnake thb lullest use of all experiences, good, or bad. But life is not all taking; there must be giuing too. Many people haue not had the opportunities and exper- iences olfered to us and it is our d.uty to oller help and. hope to tbese people. Yet euen in this, the most uniellish and sincere giuing to another, ue gain at least eruotional satisfaction and reward.. Tbis is how I see the lile before us. \X/e must ualue all opportunities and experiences. We must botb giae anci take and rnake the most of all that coftxes our uay. - J.P.
As,the pioneers of Commercial Education in Australia, with over 80 years' experience, *" i""l we are ouali_ rec ro grve guidance to parents, and the best possible training in this field. Our course is p.la-nned to enable girls,. with the neces_ sary bastc qualifications, to fill the most desirable positions in the business and professional fiehs.--li includes_ Manual Shorthand-still the most flexible, con- venient and satisfactory all_purpose system. (We introduced machin'e .tloitnJna int'cr oui schools over 40 years ago, but discontinued it for various ,easoni). Typewriting, Bookkeeping, English, Speec,h Train_ ing, Deportment, etc. Our standards are high, and for this reason our students are in constant demand. Requirements for enrolment are - A good education, satisfactory school and personal references, and a consiientious desire to become proficient.
Enrolments for 1968 now being received
For appointment telephone 31 1627
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