July 1966 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
July, 1966
July, 1966
Brisbane Girls' Grammar ·School Magazine
CURRENT EVENTS Firstly we would like to welcome the mistresses who joined the staff this year: Mrs. Kugelman, Mrs. Chowdhury, Mrs. Williams, Miss Cribb, Miss Jacobs, Miss Hardcastle and Miss Horton in a temporary capacity. We also welcome our visitor, Peggy Kratka, an exchange student from America, who has given interesting talks about her different ways of life in America and Australia. We hope Peggy is enjoying our company as much as we are hers. The Second Formers attended the A.B.C. Youth Concerts given by the Queensland Symphony Orchestra during First Term. Gideons International again generously presented new mem- bers of the school with copies of the New Testament. 4th March - This day was a memorable yet sad day for us for we farewelled His Excellency the Governor, Sir Henry Abel Smith and Lady May, both of whom have shown great interest in our school and the Youth of Queensland. 5th March - The first sporting fixtures of the year were played by the Softball Team at Wynnum State High School. 11th March-The success of the new House system was evident at the Inter House Swimming Carnival where competition was keen. 12th March- Our school team was given added practice at a Six-way Swimming Meeting held at our school. Those com- peting besides ourselves were Wavell, Camp Hill, Banyo, Sandgate and Mitchelton State High Schools. The experience gained at this Carnival was of benefit to all tearris. 18th-19th March -The Inter-School Swimming Carnival in which St. Margaret's were again successful, with Brisbane State High School second and the Girls' Grammar School third - a very pleasing result stemming from the excellent example of team spirit shown by our girls under the direction of Mrs . Winter and Miss Hardcastle. 2nd April-Once again we congratulate St. Margaret's who won the A and B divisions of the Inter School Lifesaving com- petition held at Clayfield College. Both our A and B teams came fifth. 18th-22nd April-The Inter House Volley Ball competition was re-introduced as a House Sport in first term and congratulations go to Lilley House who fought very strenuously to win the final. 26th-27th April -The new system for the Inter House Lifesaving competition was introduced this year. Each girl who
enters for an award is given a set number of points for that award. Sixth and Fourth Forms completed their tests in first term· Fifths and Thirds do theirs in third term. 1 1st-11th May - Forty-six Sixth Form girls, in the care of Miss Tuckett Miss Neil and Mr. and Mrs. Winter, spent ten sun-filled and fun-filled days on Heron Island. For the first time, this year the girls went in the May vacation instead of in August. 17th-27th May - Sixth and Fifth Form girls attended the presentation of the set Senior play, "King Lear", at the Av~on Theatre, St. Lucia. The play was performed by Twelfth Night Theatre. 20th May__: This year for the first time the Brisbane Girls' Grammar School acted as host at the Australian Student Christian Movement Conference for which the topic was "Are we free to choose?". Speakers at the Conference were Dr . R. R. Lee, Dr. Murray Williams and Rev. Dr . Keith Rayner. ·All who attended enjoyed the experience and would like more such conference~. 25th May - Once again representatives of the School, Sixth and Fifth Forms this year, gathered in the Botanical Gardens to hear the Queen' s message to the Youth of Queensland and th~ addresses of the Governor, Sir Alan Mansfield, and Mr. Pizze)i' after which they joined the March through the City streets. 26th May -The Head Girls, as guests of His Excellency the Governor, Sir Alan Mansfield, and Lady Mansfield, attended a Garden Party at Government House to celebrate Youth Week, 27th-28th May; 3rd-4th June -A play entitled "Arsenic and Old Lace" was performed in the Gymnasium by members of tb 1•· Boys' and Girls' Grammar Schools. · 28th May -The first Basketball and Tennis matches weri- played at Moreton Bay College resulting in victory for all OU) teams. For the first time the Sixth _Form girls have a badge to distinguish them from other forms . This was found to be neces- sary when Sixth Formers were sometimes mistaken for girls in lower Forms. The size of the girl, and the size of the school were both contributing factors . In the middle of last term we said goodbye to Miss Elliott for a short while. After some weeks in hospital and rest, we welcomed her back at the beginning of Second Term. We hope she is feeling well again. With Second Term Examinations, the Inter House Singing competition and the Inter House and Inter School Athletics soon upon us, this Term promises to be as busy as the last .
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