July 1957 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Maqazine
July. 1957
July, 1957
::Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Maqazine
Thursday, 18th April.-Miss· Crooks' last day at School before her leave began. She entrusted the care of the School to Miss Macmillan. The girls of the School presented Miss Crooks with a token of appreciation. Mid-day saw the beginning .of the Easter break from School until the following Tuesday. Saturday, 20th April.- Miss Crooks sailed for England. She was finally farewelled by the School with a bouquet sent to her earlier on the "Iberia." Monday, 29th April.-Mis·s Maclean sailed for England on ihe "Orion" with a farewell bouquet from Sixth Form. Friday, 3rd May.- Term I ended. Monday, 20th May.-Term II began. Wednesday, 22nd May.-Fifth and Sixth Form science girls went to the Science Display at the University. Among the many interesting things ·shown us were demonstration models of in- dustrial processes. Tuesday, 29th May.- Practice basketball matches against Univers·ity teams were played. The School won the "A" team match, and the University the "B" teem match. Friday, 31st May.-Sixth Form presented "Blanche Neige", ·dramatised by Mrs. Stenders, and produced by Miss Munro, at "La Soiree des Ecoles". Many girls from the School attended the evening. Excellent plays were presented by other schools, which we thoroughly enjoyed. Saturday, 1st June.-Friendly matches in basketball and tennis with St. Aidan' s· were played. Our teams were all .successfuL
Tuesday, 29th January.-The School year of 1957 began. Miss Crooks welcomed Mrs. Mulherin, Mis·s Popple and new girls to the schooL Miss Brophy and Miss Cormack rejoined us after being absent overseas last year. Tuesday, 19th February.-The first of a series of English broadcasts was heard from the radio given by the Parents' and Friends' Association. These the Sixth Form found most in- teresting and enjoyable. Tuesday, 26th February.-The twelve Prefects of the School took their pledge and were presented with their badges by Miss· Crooks. Tuesday, 7th March.-A Road Safety lecture was given to the whole school by an officer of the Traffic Branch, during which many traffic regulations were made clearer to us. Monday, 11th March.- The Inter-form Swimming Carnival was held at the Boys' Pool after having been postponed from Friday, 8th, owing to rain. The morning was enjoyed by all, and our congratulations to VA, the winning form. Saturday, 16th March.-The Inter-school Swimming Car- nival was held at the Valley Baths and the whole School attended to support our team. The afternoon was made more exciting by the close competition, and we gained places in nearly all events. B. Bell, R. Johns·on and R. Mathers were awarded Blues for their outstanding performances. Tuesday, 19th March.-The Inter-form Lifesaving Competi- tion was held at the Boys' PooL This was the first Inter-form Competition and proved a great success. It was won by the Sixth Form with the other three teams coming very close. Wednesday, 3rd April.-The Inter-school Lifesaving Com- petition, for the McWhirter Cup, was held at the Valley Baths. This was won by Somerville House with 87.2 points, while our team gained fifth place with 80 points. Friday, 5th Apri1.-Examinations began for Fourths and Sixths, whilst Thirds and Fifths had theirs to look forward to after the holidays.
Saturday, 8th June.-Scbool fixtures begin.
Wednesday, 26th June, and Thursday, 27th June.-The School Concert will be held on these dates. Preparations are being made now, and we look forward to successful performances.
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