July 1957 School Magazine
" The House of the People'
'Che CJnagazine of ~he ':Bri~bane Girl~' Grammar School EDITORIAL JT was once said of the French landscape painter Corot, that his pictures were hardly more than photographs·. Photography, when it made its appear- ance about 1840, indeed fascinated Corot, who was at that time already a great master of ·riatural land- scape painting as well as of delicate portraiture. What is a photograph, and what a true work of art? The camera does no interpreting for us. It merely reproduces exactly the forms, lights, shades and shadows of the scene before it at the moment when the shutter opens. The photo is· a correct ver- sion of the original. Corot's pictures, then, are not mere photographs. The image recorded in the mind of a painter awakes memories, tnoughts and half- forgotten impressions which flickered across that mind and were kept imprisoned there, to be enriched and moulded into form, to find expression a t a later time. So the real work of art is alive; it is the photograph adapted to the hand of a genius·, seen through his eyes, interpreted by the greater maturity of his mind. In our twentieth century, there are places for both · means of expression. While we cannot all be Corots, .neither would life be more than just an existence if we were all cameras. Let us resolve to incorporate the precision and perfection of the photograph and the beauty and originality of the painting, in the things we do.
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