July 1951 School Magazine
July. 1951
.Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
July. 195i
CThe LyPic PPize Poem, 1950
Removed from homely, daily loves and cares, Upon the lonely battlefield at night The unremembered soldier sits, and stares To where the cold, cold stars, on planes remote, Burn on forever- there he sits, and waits, And ponders o'er the ever-brightening truth, Sees - not as terrors, but as opening gates To wondrous heights that, awe-inspiring, tower, And yet come closer with the fatal hour- Both Danger and his Death; and as the dawn Comes to the hills, his ever-lightening heart Finds - as mortality, a shield discarded, Loosens its grip, that e'er his soul retarded,- The gates to Glory, swinging wide ajar, And Honour, brighter than the morning star .
Something wakens in my spirit Like a zephyr in a tree . And my heart is light and quivering Like the moonbeams on the sea. Time is flowing onward, onward In a swiftly rippling stream, Whiie these splendid mystic visions Rise up - in a dream. As I look into the splendour Of this marvellous blazing fire All the earthly things grow dimmer, Strangely dimmer- then retire. Oh the sweet enchanting rapture That these sounds to my heart bring! As they fill the air with music That no mortal thing can sing . Yet my soul keeps ever floating In this orb of weird-like sounds; Through the faintly falling echoes Way beyond the earthly bounds . Like the s inging summer zephyrs Glide these concords in the ยท stream, With a sound that's almost silence Float these soundless sounds of dream. There's a sound of snow flakes falling In their silent eddying rings, Yet I tremble at their touches Like some feathered angel's wings. Mind and heart are both bewildered, Echoes float from realms without; But I hear strange voices speaking In a wild and muffled shout. Pcssions waken in my heart-stream Which I cannot ever name; And the truths that once were p hantoms Stand up clearly in the flame . 17 From the luminating grandeur Of the lovely site, there swells A music, faint and mystic Like a far-off peel of bells.
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