July 1951 School Magazine

July , ( 951

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

July , 1951

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Soul and heart are filled with wonder, Life begins to glow and swell As I list to these things spoken By those once invisible. I am moving through a , darkness When I catch these gleams afar; And I fee l a shining brightness In the splendour of a star. Faintly falls a golden whisper With the stilly hush of night- While a . breath of silver silence Floods the darkness with its light.

Senior Public Examination, 1950 Key to Subjects :-1, English; 2, French; 5, Latin; S, Modern History; 9, Ancient History; 12, Mathematics I; 13, Mathematics II; 14, Chemistry; 15, Physics; 23, Art; 25, Music; 26, Art of Speech; 30, Latin-Intermediate; 33, Math- ematics I. - Intermediate . Aland, Ann F.

1 A, 2 C, SB, 9 B, 30 P. l A, ZB, SB, l2C, 23B, 30P. 1 A, 2 B. 5 C, S B, 12 C, 33 P.

Banbury, Ailsa M. Boulton, Helen E. Catchpoole, Stephanie J. Cochran, Barbara B. Cook, Judith A . Edmiston, Lynda! M. Elliott , Janice N. Farrar, Dorothy Knowles, Vida M. MacLean, Rosemary Marks, Elizabeth 0. Miller, Geneive G. Pask, Glinda R. Payne, Dorothy B. Reid, Sybil J. Roberts, Margaret I. Savage, Nathalie C.

1 A, SC, SA, l2A, 13B, l4A, 15C. 1 A, 2 B, 5 C, S B, 9 C, 12 C.. 26 A, 33 P . 1 A, S B, 9 C, 12 C, 23 B, 33 P. 1 A, S B, 12 B, 13 B, 14 C, 15 C, 25 A. ! A, IZA, !3B, 14B, 15C. 1B, ZC, JZA, l3B, l4C, 15B. 1 B, ,2 B, 5 B, 12 A, 13 B. D. 1 A, 2 B, 8 B, 12 A, 13 A, 14 B, 15 A. I B, 2 C, 5 C, S B, 12 C, 23 A, 25 C. 1 B, S B, 12 C, 23 C, 30 P . 1 B, 2 C, SA, 9 C, 30 P, 33 P. I B, 2 B, SA, 12 B, 13 B, 14 B, 15 C, 25 A. 1 B, 2 C, 5 C, S B, 9 B, 12 C, 33 P. ! A, SB, JZA, 13B, 14B, !5B, 25A. 1 C, 2 C, S C, 9 C, 12 C, 30 P. 1 A, 2 C, SA, 9 A, 23 A. 1 A, 2 C, S B, 9 C, 12 C, 23 B, 30 P.



ODE TO THE DAY STARS Day Stars ! You blink your crystal eyes to twinkle In every realm of mother earth' s creation, And dew-drops on her lovely a l tars sprinkle As a liberation . Oh Matin Worshippers! who bend most lowly Ere the sleeping world awakes, arise, And send your perfume sweet, enchanting and most holy, Circling to the skies . Ye bright mosaics, that with stored beauty The floor of Nature's Temple tesselate, What numerous symbols of instructive beauty Your forms create! .And then you turn your lovely faces easily, Inclining for the golden sun to kiss; But all too soon they nod away so sweetly Into perfect bliss. .In that cathedral, boundless as my wonder, The sun and moon a quenchless light supply; And wind is strangely harmonized with thunder For a sound most high. Here, as in solitude and shade I wander Down the green aisles, or the sun-kissed sod, Touched by the silence all around me, Pender the ways of God. 0 flowers, your speechless lips are living preachers Each cup a pulpit and each leaf a book, Supplying to my fancy numerous teachers From some lovely nook . Were I in solitudes remaining Beyond the voice of teachers or divines, My soul would find in flowers of God's ordaining Priests, sermons, shrines.

Tracy, Janice A. Young, Lesley E.

Juniol' Public Examinalion, 1950 Key to Subjects :-1, English; 2, French; 3, German; 6, Latin; S, English History; 9, Geography; 10, Arithmetic; II, Algebra; 12, Geometry; 13, Chemistry; 17, Physiology; lS, Art; 19, Music; 20, Art of Speech; 26, Steno- typing .

lB, SB, l OA, IIA, 12A, l3B, !7C, lSC, 19B. I A, 2 C, S A, 9 C, l 0 C, 11 B, 20 A. lC, SA, JOB, !lA, IZB, 13C, 17B, 20C. I C, SB, 9C, JOB, lSB, 26C. JC, ZA, 6C, SA, JOB, llA, 12A, !3A, 17A. 1 B, S C, 10 C, II A, 12 C. 1 B, 2 C, S B, ll B, 12 C, 17 B, IS B. lA, SA, 9B, 10C, 17A, lSB. JB, SB, 9B, lOA, l lB, 1SC. I A, S B, 9 C, 10 A, 11 B, lS C. ! A, ZA, 6A, SA, lOA, 11 A, l2A, 1SA, 19A. 1 A, S B, I 0 B, 11 C. lS B. IB, SC, 9A, !DC, JJC, lSB. I B, ZB, 9C, JOB, 11 B, IZC, JSC. I A, 2 A, 6 B, S B, 9 B, 11 C. 1 A, 2 A, 6 C, S B, 9 B, 10 A, !I A, 12 C, IS B, 20 B. ยท l C, S B, 9 C, ll C, 17 C. 1C, SB, 9B, !DC, llB, lSC, ! 9A. 19

Aitken, Jennefer R. Altshuler, Anita M. Anderson, Lesley Anderson, Nance E. F. ..... Baird, Anne

Baker, Fae E. Ball, Alexa M. Beak, Judith C. Berry, Patricia A. Boucher, Anne Boulton, Diana E'. Boyce, Lorine M. Buchan, Ani ta Carter, Beth L. Chambers, Shirley Christie, Noela E. Clarkson, Joan F. Collard, Jennifer M.



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