July 1951 School Magazine
July, 1951
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
July, 1951
l. Chief form of motor transport in the territory of New Guinea. 2. A large, brown, egg-shaped seed with edible white lining enclosing a white liquid . 3. A Branch of the Services. 5. Native method of marine transportation. 6. Concrete noun from verb "to heat". 7. Used to arrange or confine the hair-usually with five prongs. 10. The natives are called "fuzzy-wuzzies" because of this. 12. Police Constable. 15. Staple food of the natives. 16. Habitation. 18 . Small coral islet enclosing a lagoon. 20. First singular, present Indicative of the verb "to be". 21. An adverb of degree. CLUES ACROSS l. Justice of the Peace. 4. Positive degree of an adjective of which "most" is the Superlative. 7. A submarine beauty and a barrier to shipping. 8. An important centre of the highlands of New Guinea. 9. Commanding Officer. 11. Any native is liable to take this when his employer is absent. 12. Natives sleep on this, woven of pandunus leaves . 13. Method of rapid communication overseas. 14. Group of consanguineous families. 16. Quickest way of travelling to New Guinea. 18. Abbreviation for Company. 19. The New Guinea native's favourite musical instrument. 21. An Australian air-line . 22. Administrative centre of Papua and New Guinea. 50
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