July 1951 School Magazine
July. tss r
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
July. 1951
:Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
AN APOLOGY TO THE LITERARY PUBLIC ' All the lines our gang has met, We've tried our best to toe 'em; And so when the Magazine's put out, We try to write a poem. This year we met with obstacles, In difference of opinion; "Let' s write romances", someone said , "And start with, "Hither , minion"! This sounded rather hard to do, But worse was the suggestion That we should rectify some wrong- Say dressing-room congestion. Let's wtite of some ;young Scottish bloke, ! With tartdn olald and kilt on; ~ . Or a parody ion. H~r Ig'i::torance, With apologies io Milton) !
One day the people of Cairns began preparing for their Annua l Fancy Dress Ball . They set to work and soon had the hall TIDY. The next thing was tt9 COOK the supper . "STEWART", said someone, but no one liked this idea. After a while they sent the children down the STREET to get some BASS, deciding to have fi sh. "Oh, BLOW", said the COOK, the knives are BLUNT''. "Then I'll make plum DUFF IN a minute' ', said the BAKER. who had been a nuisance all morning. "That gives me a PAYNE" complained a YOUNG girl "POPP'ER in the oven" growled JAMES threateningly. "No," said OLIVER, 'Tll WACK'ER'' . But she got away and went running over the LEE. They decorated the hall in GREEN and WHITE and, when the sun sank in the WEST, AWAY went a ll their cares a nd DONALD'S SON WILLIAMS announced that some of the YOUNG guests were a rriving. A girl who lived up on the HILL struck the WRIGHT note by coming as a BIRD with a BROWNE BEAK. Someone came as a BLACK MAN a nd COLLINS the GROWSE hunter was a n African KING. ROBERTS brought his girl friend who was just out of COLLEDGE. JOHNSON came riding a BUCHAN horse and the woman AND 'ER SON from a MIDDLETON up country were there too. One g irl, who came with a ROBIN- SON Crusoe, wa s dressed as a FLOWER, with bouquets she had p icked in the WOODS nearby. But about midnight the POWER fa iled and the SMITH had to get torches. After tha t they heard a car smash and everyone crowded round. The driver was taken to a hos- p ita l WARD and then they looked at the car. Someone said , "PARK 'ER over the side of the STREET", but THOMPSON said , "She HASS ALL the engine knocked in" . Soon .afterwards the fi rs t prize was awarded to a n English- ma n, a FARMER from CORNWALL who had a very GOOD costume . The second prize was given to a girl dre ssed a s a SCOTT. . At lost they a ll went home a greeing tha t there never had, been such a n exciting BALL held in CAIRNS. - MARGARET LAMONT, FORM III A. 48
~ut long before the Mag . '(VaS ,Ol)t, , Our plans came to confusion; We tired of such discussion, And instead , see this effusion. It's meant as an apology, So please accept these lines- We've laboured long and laboured hard, (0, it's hard to find good rhymes)! Though this is meanest doggerel Beside what might have been, Naming no names, casting no hints, It's not the worst we've seen!
- OUR GANG, IV A. (Names supplied if necessary.
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