Head Girl badge

However, in 1988, the first change for the Head Girls evolved. In that year, on the scroll across the top of the blazer pocket, HEAD GIRL was embroidered. The badge remained the same with PREFECT still engraved in the scroll on the silver badge.

1989 Head Girls, Sarah Martin and Diana Lohrisch

In 1998, a major shift occurred in the naming of the leaders of the student cohort. As Head Girl, Kate Farmer (1998) remembers “we didn’t have prefects in our year.” (Email 30.01.24) The first “Student Executive” was convened, and the term “Prefect” disappeared from the main leadership student body. It was to return within the House system at a later date. The Executive consisted of House Captains and the Head Boarder and was chaired by the Head Girls. Subsequently, Perfect also disappeared from the silver badge to be replaced by Executive for the group and Head Girl for the two chairs of the Student Executive. Another role of responsibility was introduced in 1998 by Principal, Mrs Judith Hancock. This was another badge: the Honour Badge. Honour badge recipient, Suzanna Nash (Nisbet-Smith 1998), remembers “it was a peer-nominated award and then co-signed by another peer. There was an application form completed by the peer…and it was quite involved… I think the cohort was a little confused as to why this Honour Award system was brought in to replace the Prefect system.” (Email 05.02.24)

The recipients were included in the 1998 Student Executive and the award was presented for approximately four years. It was this badge which introduced royal blue enamel to the traditional

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