Other services provided by The Beanland Memorial Library

• Students are expected to keep the music secure in a hard cover music folder and return to the library those pieces no longer required as soon as possible.

• All music must be returned by the due date before the end of the school year.

• The Director of Instrumental Music will decide upon any levy for lost material.

6. Teachers’ texts and professional reference:

• The library will purchase copies of the relevant student texts for appropriate teaching staff. These texts will have full library processing and kept in the Teaching Library, Level 1 in the RLC. • Individual texts will be loaned to individual teachers for the duration of the current school year . o If the same text is required in subsequent years, the loan should be renewed by the teacher bringing the text to the circulation desk. o Any textbook no longer required should be returned to the library for loaning to a different staff member. o Please do not simply hand over a text to another teacher; the record of the book remains with the original borrower. o Superseded texts will be handed to library staff for de-accessioning. Once removed from the catalogue, they may be gifted to individual teachers and/or kept as part of the departmental collection. • The resources in departmental collections will have full cataloguing and processing as explained in library policy documents. The spine label for each resource will include the departmental code.

The Beanland Memorial Library

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