December 1967 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grrammar School lEqqazine

Brisbane Glrls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1967

December, 1961

of the Pre-Ba1l Pamy and 8a11. \7e sincerely thank the Committee for the cheque forwarded, representing half of net proceeds of a most successful evening. School Day The Art Show organized in conjunction with School Day surpassed all expectations. S7e thank Judge Seaman for consenting to open it at a Sherry Party on Friday night, 15th September. The show continued on Saturday and Sunday and u/as very well attended. We thank the exhibitors and trust they got as rnuch pleasure as, I am sure, all the visitors did, \ilhen functions are a success we tend to forget all the work done beforehand bv the President and her Committee, and now, a very special "Thank You" to the Art Master of the School (Mr. Timmermans ), for his help and guidance so willingly given throughout' ' MorningTea A function held in 1,963 was renewed this year - a Morning Tea held in the Jacaranda Room, Canberra Private Hotel. It is the aim of the Association to endeavour to bring together Past Pupils of the School and we hope this function will be held each year and that more "Old Girls" wilL take this opportunity of re- newing friendships made during their years at school. The Committee has placed an order for a Magazine Stand for the Fiction Library costing approximately $80.80, and delivery of same has been promised at an eatly date.

Annual General Meeting The Annual Report and Financial Statement v/ere read at the meeting which, once agarn, was very poorly attended. The office-bearers were unopposed and the commitree duly elected. Mesdarnes gvt-h and Allinan were elected r; .{.|.;ut.r lo the National Council of \(/omen, Mrs. S. A. Trout as representa- tive to the Queensland Girls' Secondary School C}.rb, u^rd-M;;. Sylvia Jrry as honorary auditor , It was decided at this rneeting 'we concenlate on one func- tion The Art Show to be held in conjunction with School Day. President's At Home h . 4 vgy huppy time -u/as spent at our Christmas Party held at Prince's Restaurant in Novemb"r. This brought to a .1or. u.tiu- ities for 1966. \Y elcome to Ir{ ew Members This function, consideted to be one of the most important, was held at the Criterion Hotel and the Smorgasbord Dinner was gnjoyed bv everyone. A special welcome *ui extended to lrl.w Members bv our President, Miss Lansbury, who also o,ri]i11.d th. aims of the Association.

Supper Ball old Bovs' and cld Girls' Ball was hetrd in the university,_ st. T,ucia, on 7th Jrly. The Associa- thanks to the Ball Committee for jtt organi zation

A combined Union Refectory, tion expresses its






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