December 1967 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grsrnrl?r School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' G:ammar School Magazine

December, 1967

December, 1967

OtD GIR.I.S' ASSOCIATTON NOTES The Old Girls' Association was founded in L899. Annual lubsmiploq is $1 50, due on Lst February, and Life Membership $-l:.00. Badges 7 5c. Membership is open to all Past Pupils who have attended the School for a period of one (1) year,but, at the Commirtee's dtlcretion pupils who have attended - for ' a shorter period may be admitted. At the 68th Annual General Meeting of the Old Girls' Association held on 24th February, 1967: the following were elected to office.- President : Miss Batbaru Lansbury. Vice-presidents : Mesdames Fancum and Allman.

DOUBT Am I wrong to see black emptiness after death? To see no lisht from an immortal God shine forth? Am I wrong to scoff at man's biind accepting faith? T o f orsake religion and seek lif e's rneaning elsewhere ? Am I wrong to doubt, be anconainced, then condemn? To shun God for unreaaling Himself to me? Am I wrong to iudge Him by His church's infamous past? And churchmen who speak hollou words from hollou souls? Am I wrong to think false other people's truth? To see no logic or reason in tbeir belief? Am I torong to enuy their faith and pe6ce of mind Yet reiect their answer to my spiritual need? I hope I am wrong, fo, my being cranes for faith, Craues for a hope to cling to and a God to loae. I hope I am wrong, lor I fear a lile without meaning, And a soul which liaes and dies in doubt.

Past President : Miss Robyn Holt. Secretary : Miss Margaret Andersen. Assistant secretary : Miss Jennifer Bacon. Treasurer : Mrs. T. G. Bain. Assistant Treasurer : Miss Shirley Blake.

Committee : NIrs. H. McDonald (ex officio ), Mesdames Ekns and Schwarten, Misses I). Allman, S. Aland, P'. Purvis and S. Tilbury.





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