December 1967 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1967
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazlne
Origina[ Coyttrilwtioyrs DAY DREAMING
After seeing the talent displayed 6t our OId Girlst Art Show, I would like to suggest a Fence Painting Competition, similar to the \T/arana one, to be held on School Day. Present girls, old girls, relatiues and teachers could try their hand and the paintings could be au,ctioned to aid scboal f unds. T he W arana exhibition uas a great success, both culturally and financially, and I'm sure ortrs could !t*r.g?vrB, ENGLAND HousE OPIhIION OF SCHOOL DAY T he maiority belieae that the Day wAS good, particularly the Art Show and tbe F ashion Parade. But more uariation is need,ed in the stalls, and a barbecue and dance at night ( School Day may require 6later start) would be popular with trudtnliu, VIE\f OF "OLD GIRLS' ART SHOS7" from VD T he Otd Girls" Art Show held on school doy this year, is re garded As a great sllccess by rnost o t' the f orm. T he general opinion is tbat it showed the wealth of achieuernent the old girls haue yeceiued from attending the school, and this can also en- courage Bresent artists within the school. The sltow also gaue parercts and' uisitors a chance to buy itaintings and sculpture of a hish starudard. It is suggested that more scuipture be included a,s tbere tDas not enough of this creatiue medium in the show. Howeuer, thd show did contain a uaried range of artistic mediums. There is a diflerence ot' opinion as to whether the Ait Show shor.tld be repeated in next yeAr's School Day. It is felt by part of the f orm that the standard would decline and' similar, if not the snme, works would appear, if the Show Lu6s repeated. The nzaiority of the f orurz, ltoweuer, f eel that the standard ca,n only imBroue and this is beneficial to both the school and its old girls. - This original and differerct idea of holding an old girls' art sltow, has added a nouel and artistic flauour to School ?"p*vD VIE\il POINT OhT ART SHO\T I feel that, the old Assernbly HaIl woul,d haue proueC, more suitable f or the Art Show. It uould hAue' proaided 6 better atmosphere and left the gymnasium free for a, gymnastic display which has proued uery popular in preuious years. I t also uould haue been in a, more central position in the upper school and as such would haue encouraged more interest FoRM, wool,cocK HousE
.Anywl-tgtg, anytime, This seemingly impossible srarement lan be applied to anybody, no matter -"ho. tirey -iglri U.. -i, is as simple as closing your eyes for a matter oi a fIw seconds and permitting your thoughts io take whatever .orrrr. itr.v-;;ll. If allowed this unexpected freedom there is no telling where the imagination may transport you to. Some .oJ, q,ri.t retreat a. t31t1v. eastern cavern oi -uyb. to long v.lio*' ,ind, *urfr.j $ilv by-soap-bubble waves. dut maybe io"'J-p..f.r somewhere else? You're as far from meeting d.r.rt';dr, L;d.-rG;;;- tains and the gentle greens of the counmyside in a blini. "i itr. eye. Still you're not satisfied? Then a swift ride down an angry sffeam or a peaceful glide through the never-ending blue abJ"L you might quell your thirst for th. unusual and unittuinable. - But no matter what your mind formulates for you, y"" -will, i{ o."ly-for a f.y, fleeting seconds,_ experience a rrrr1g.,-i..ift of fulfilment. A greater pafi of ihir Ir due ro rh;$; |nd disguised childlike q.tulitier we all are unwillifi-to uJ-it;; have in us. Day dreaming is one of the most successful methods of running away frorn ourselves. You can be a king, pauper, happy, spd, black or white. In f act, anything you d.rlr.. A"j to- ile the most appealing side to this pastimE ir that no-one n..d - ever know yogr very own personal wiihes and desires. They are yours to keep for ever. No matter to what heights yog aspire while duy dreaming no-one ever becornes hurt, angty or depressed besides tfr. dr.u-.r. while d?v drearning you can-become ilt. things yo; would ;u; conternplate while mortal or otherwise. By this I *.* for instance being ^ cruel or violent person Another wonderful thing - about duy dreaming is its magical pourer- of allowing you to re-live a past experi.r".. of yo,rt"lif. or to bring a dream ahnost alive, So ong duy as you lie drowsily in the sun, completely un- av/are of the flY - crawling across your nose as you up of ."*t- thing -else around you _owing to ih. beautiful iale your mind it unfoldilg, j.tgt try and- imagine how colourless an'd .*pry lif. would be without our daydreams.
- s.c., wool.cocK HousE
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