December 1967 School Magazine
Brisbane 'Girls' G'rammar School Magazlne"
Brlsbane Glrls' Grammar School Magazlne
D€cgmbir|'' 1967 "
December';, t967
, .: S.C:&[i. NOT,,ES'
- - During the year, Professor Reimann and Professor Prince of the univerrlty Physics and chemical Engine.iine ;;p;t*il; respectlvel;r, visited us and their lectures ir.r. boih i?rterestine and valuable. Three of our mernbers attended the Ct-re-icri Engineering- seminar in August,. while Professor Mackav ' t ioaiv provided afternoon tea for- a group who atrended the' S,ifi;; display. \7e are rnost g-tateful 1o ih. Astronornical S";; their ggnergs-ity wi-th thelr time and equipment one nig[i t.;"djt The club has been fortunate in being able to visit"The B"tdo of Sugar Flp.timent Station!,--the nevr efini.d Scienco g"itdihs, and the Momis Woollen Mills at Redbank. The p.ople ;h;, made these excursions possible were very helpfut and ir was a pleasure to meet thern in their work. ' L . In. April, after some difficulty, we managed to launch a hot-air balloon, but unfortunately, #eather cond"itions on S;ho"i 4qv- prevented ? 'repeat of this very attractive experifi;;t. Although Blans for a science competition had to be ;6;e;;J; the School luv dispJay _ was very popular. Projects inJ"a.J -;; electric shocking coil, -blue printing, a chemical garden, a uot.u"o, preparation of several gases, mathematical purudo*.t, and prep- aration of sarsaparilla, I am v_e{y grateful to al| who t-retpea organize the ZooTogy display which wur one of the main *ttiac- tions, despite the reactions of the squeamish to dissections. ' . -.- Mrs. McDonald has supported the club with interest: and advice The form represeniatives have been ,r.ty h.lpi"I; ;i the club's secretaty, Rebecca Kugelmas, hds been 'invallubl.. - "i would like to extend my sincerJ thanks to the science teachers without whom the Science club could :ffLgi,ri*.S#S1.0.,."*.*, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Dear Editor, I utould like to say I think the IJniuersity demonstration was sometlting we can be pr_oud of . Tbese stuients fousht f:or'tie rlght to speak tlgtly utht'n one leels one is bein'g iubiictecl trt discrimination. Tlrty used no uiaience against the ioli,ce,' but this aas not so fo, the police's attitude. The police diassei innocent people who sat- in prote-st in the stre€t dnd titerally-threw them brutally into tlte gutter. Perhaps the Students shoutd not ioit sat in the road but as ttrie police uere blocking their march they. could do nothing hut sit down, Tliis was a Earmless moae,ment as there tDas -no tyaffic- flow. Euen now'after this large aolunt;ar! protest march' it has had no drastic effect on oar goaernment..".:7 tkink it is time ue had the rishr to ir":t;kg!:f^gSrgi*i", 'ia
..It,has been a buty,y,ear fpr the Student Christian Movefnerrt.,, An Inter-Sqhool l=,eadptF' Camp ,held at Sarnford at the beginning o.f F'irst Jerp,r lefi, the offisiais, wirh a determination to, ilcr.urE tlre membership.arrd stirnulate, ,a gteater interest in S.C.M, I .j,i Guest spealcprs invited to our fireetings included a Fpresenta. tiye frnF Life Line, ,Intsr-School Debat6s. and I)iscussions have, taken place between Kelvin Grove Fiigh' School and Gjrls:1,'Gram- ma{, and q'' gqg?tqf interest,,has bpen stinaulated by these:' ,,F'ifth and, Sixth Forrn rnember,s of S,C,M,, attended an Con- fgrq5rEe held a! Gregory Terrace in Second:.Term, and another such rneeting organized'by Kelvin Greve, held, at the Salvation, Army Half. The of this .last was I''Drug-Addictionl', and .produced a.1ivelyi!'t|reprcventiono.'f,this.growingevil. Thp. Annual ,fqter,lschool S,C'.M. Camp. was held at Caloundra in .,First ,Tetm and proved to be a very enjoyable as rvell as an infotmative wgekend. . Cur ,usual Nfednesda5r lunqhtime ffreetings most often take the form ,,of 4 : ver;'= , Iively 4nd..,4nimated,.',discussion. Topics have included, 'lChrist T a. Csrnrnunisl?" "Teenage Moral Standards", ',lpoes Christ,L!vq,.Today?:' and 'tChriqlien Involvement in Viet- nanl". $,;qeacher verql$-;gt,ude.qt,panel ,};r:as held in Second Term and. another is p]anned fqr Third, Term. r r : A masi, Intsr-School S.C.M. Induction Service was held late Iast' term, and as, .a result, a furtlier tuzenty members joined our tapks..... . . , , 't' '; ',- .', S7e extend our grateful' thanks to all who have helped us to rnake,,this a,truly: enioyable S,C.M. year. Especially v/e 'wish to thank Mrs. McDonald, without whose.encouragement and sup- port we would not have been able to oiganize many of the furrc- tiorls; Mfq,. Kqg.lm4n, who has vgry kindlv assisted us in the absence' of 'Miss Paterson. and 'Mrs'. Hamilton of Kelvin' Grove Hish Sghogli who advised'an{ helped uq on *lnr occasiolls.
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