December 1967 School Magazine

Brlsbane. Girls.l',:Grammar School Magazine

Brlsbane Glrls' ,Grarnmar School Magazlne

. December, 1967

December, 1967


The School' Oigh.stra hls grown to thirty members'' is encouraging- to, sbg ,sq many, Second Formers taking an interest in this part of school 'li{e: " :' ' At the'end,"fl'S..and,Term a, Concert u/as held in aid of the Save thel Chil&en Fund; And' ,we were fortunate to have as our guest artisl pianist'MisslUna Murray, who delighted us with some descriptive items . ";, : : r. , On Schootr Day,'the'Orlhestra pla1,ed "Suite" bv Roman, and "Barcarolel', and,had, fun'with the "Jamaican Rumba". The pro- gramme also included 4n octet of violins (Diana and Helen Mar- ihail, Mdrion Cooper), viola ( Janet Robson ) , 'cello ( Beverley ' Turner ) , fl".,S (Hul"pr Ifi1g ) , and tenor recorder ( Alison Specht ) , accompanied bry,Jeanette Howman on the pirino. We are nqw :praqlising' fot Speech Night and have been in- vited to play 4i- the- Drama production at the end of the year. \ile woul-d" like to extend special thanks to Miss Cormack who 'has siua", usi so much bncourigement. _ D.M. " r'.. I

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