December 1967 School Magazine
Brlsbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1967
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1967
School duy was very successful and enjoyed bv Third Formers aftet much prepafation. Our sincere thanks go to the Members of Staff , especially our Form Misttess, Miss Horton (IIIA), Mrs. Stephenson (IIIB), Mrs. Hoog Antink ( IIIC ), and Mrs. Florence ( IIID ), for their invaluable assistance thtoughout the year. Lastly, we wish the Juniors and Seniors success in the coming examinations and a Merry Christmas to members of staff and fellow students. SECOND FORM NOTES \te have enjoyed our first year at the School and have re- ceived help in every way from the staff and older girls. In spofting events we were vrell represented in swimming, lifesaving, softball, basketball, tennis, athletics and ball games. \7e urere very proud to have Ann lWest (IIB ) break the sixty yards tu elve years and under record at the G.P.S. Athletics. Margaret liockhill ( IIC ) also succeeded in winning the Second Form Inter- I:ouse Gym. School duy was a wonderful, new experience, which we shared with our parents. \We would like to thank our Form Mistresses, Mrs. Chowdhury {IIA), Mrs. McGaw (IIB), Mrs, Catt (IIC), and Mrs. Knight (IID ). Also we would like to thank Mrs. Needham and Mrs. Logan for their help and co-operation throughout the year. Lastly, we would like to wish the Seniors and Juniors the best of luck for their forthcoming exarninations, and thank the whole School sincerely for their wonderful help. ENGLAI\ID HOUSE I{OTES As L967 ends, so closes a very successful year for England House The year started well when we gained second place to Lilley, who defeated us by o narro'ur margin at the Inter-House Swimming Carnival. England has participated keenly in Lifesaving. Many girls of IV and VI Forms gained awar,Cs of varying degrees in F'irst Term and II, III and V Forms hope to qualify for awards this term. Second term activities also started r,vell when England gained first place in the Inter-I{ouse Athletics Carnival. The
FOURTH FOR.M NOTES The Fourth Forms have enjoyed a successful year in aIL their activities and hope to go out in a blaze of glory at the end of the yeff u'ith good junior iesults. Fourth Forrns v/ere weli represented in Inter-school Swim- ming and Lifesaving competitions and Athletics, Tennis and Basket- ball teams. Our heartiest congratulations to Barban Jordan ( IVB ) who gained a "Blue" for her per{ormance in the Athletics Carnival, Jrdv \flard ( IVC ), Alison Bruce (IVC ), Jane Robertson ( IVD ), Janet Findlay ( IVA ), Tania Gay (IVD ), Tess a Losan ( IVD ), and Ansena Neilson ( IVB ), for their success in School sporting teams . Marilyn Miller ( IVD ) represented Queensland in the Aus- malian Gymnastics Charnpionships, and \trre wish our Fourth Fotm Gymnasts the best of luck in the Inter-School competition. In cultural pursuits Ann Moores ( IVC ), and Margaret Gott- lieb ( IVC), gained second place in the German Poetry Speaking competition, while rnany girls participated in the School Concert and the Festival of Music. Our thanks to Mrs. Imhoff, who guided the Fourth Formers through their performance of a French play for the Alliance Francais. Other highlights were a Geology Excursion and a hiehlv successful school duy. \7e would particularly like to thank Mrs. McDonald, our Form Mistresses, IVIiss \Walton (IVA ), Mrs. Carseldine (IVB), Miss Hebden ( IVC ), Mrs. Martin ( I\rD ), and our teachers, for their understanding and guidance throughout the yeat, and take this opportunity of wishing them aII a Memy Christmas. THIRD FORM NOTES As the yeat is drar,ving to a close, 'u/e look back on what has been an eventful and most successful year for all Third Forms. Many girls participated in sports activities, performing ex- ttemely well. \We commend them all, especially \ilendy Parkinson ( IIIC ) , Julie Dickinson ( IIIC), Linda Kleimeyer ( IIIB ) , Dana Ivlawhinney ( IIID ), Bronwyn Reynolds ( IIIC ), and Sue Byth ( IIID ), who were outstanding , In swimming congratulations go to Robyn Mclune ( IIIA ) who tied for the Swimming Cup. In cultural activities, Dianne Swyer is to be congratulated for winning her section in the Goethe Verse Speaking Competition. \7e wish to thank the Science Mistresses for an enjoyable and rnost interesting time on the Science Excursions to Cedar Creek and Point Cartu'right.
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