December 1967 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1967

Brlsbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1967

FIFTH F'ORM NOTES V is not only Ih. ol-d Roman numeral for five; it srands for vicrory; due to the Fifths the School has been helped ro victory in many fields. Firstly we must congratulate Rebecca Kugeimas (VB) who worl the Robert Funnel Memo fial Medal {or the most outstanding Junior Pass in the Brisbane Electorate. Good luck for the future, Rebecca. The School Pebating Team consisted of K. Andersen, R. Kugeh,nas and C. Matheson, all from VB. Fifth Form *ur well r6p" resented and gained many honours in Athletics and swimrning. For swimming Megan Thomas (vD ) gained a Blue for breaking a record. S. Parkinson (VC) was in the A tennis team and E. Simp- son ( VC ) in the B team. Both these teams won the Premiership. Many Fifths played Basketball , D. Stevens ( VA ) was in the A team . M. Andrews ('VB), J.Sellars (VB), D. Verner (VD), helped the Softball tearn win the Premiership. fn the Fifth Form sec- tion of the House Gymnasrics, M. Thomas (VD ) scored the highest number of points and we wish L. Collins (VC ), \(/. Dixon (VA ) and Megan the besi of"luck in th; forthc"-i;; School competition. On School- duy VB and VC provided the fun, while VA and VD provided the food and drink. This year we welcorned many nevr girls to Fifth Form, especially Boarders. We hope they have enjoyed their first yer at Grammar. \We wish ih. Fourtirs- and Sixths aI[ the " ::J:i J3H'H'ff iTi"fi :# il^x,',*,:: ; ff*:o'

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Stenders (VA ), Mrs. Imhoff (VB ), Miss Neil (VC), and Mrs. Xfilliams (VD ), who have given so much help to us this year. \7e wish them a Merry Christrnas and a Prosperous New Year.



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