December 1967 School Magazine
Brlsbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1967
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Ma,gazine
December, 1967
IN MEMORIAM Mrs , Ida Todd taught at this school for many years, both in a full time and part-time capacity, and after her retirement often came to our assistance when a member of the staff was unexpect- edly required. Her recent death ended a life enriched by a classical education, seldom enjoyed today, and she imparted to others her love of the classics for her teaching of Latin was of a very high standard. Her pupils were indeed fortunate to have as a teacher, a scholat of such calibre, and will remember her with respect and gfatitude. To, those of us who taught with her she will be affection- ately remembered as a loyal and co-operative colleague, and a huppy companion. Going back still further, there will be those rvho will remember Goody Sole as one of the best hockey players the University of Queensland has ever had. Hers 'u/as a good life in every sense of the word and I feel enriched for having been privileged to share a little of it with het. My last visit to her in hospital was an experience which I shall . always remember. Never have I found an acceptance of death with such serenity. For her "in the valley of tha shadow of death" there was no fear, no self-pity; no thought for herself . It was she who consoled her relatives and friends and who uras malcing preparations for those she would leave behind. To come into contact with such courage, such resignation to the inevitable is an experience afforded to few and it was my lot at the bedside of Mrs. Todd. A11 who knew her grieve for her passing and offer to her relatives deepest sympathy.
UR.R.ENT EVENTS At the end of the second term lve were somy to say goodbye to Mr, and Mrs. Winter, who went to Canada,- X7e uppr.ciate aiJ the valuable tirne and energy she spent in training the i.*.r. \7e welcome Miss Heindorff as our second rportr mistress. $7e were huppy to have Miss Brook during her uirit to us in second term. ' In the last week of second term several interesting excursions were held for the Second, Third and Sixth Formers. 26th-27th Jrly - The Juniors sat for their Commonwealth Scholarship examinations 1st August The fnterschool Athletics Carnival \r/as held at -Lang. Park. Our congratulations go to Brisbane State High School for winning the Junior and Aggregate Cups; to St. Mar- garet's for winning the fntermediate Cup,,and oni own team for rvinning the Senior Crrp. 5th August - This year, for the first time, the School Dance was held in Second Term instead of Third Term; ure found this a better affangement. \(/e should like to thank Mrs. McDonald mernbers of tfre Siuff, unJ ;d Parents' and Friends' Associatiori who rnade this most enjoyable evening such a success 9th August - Careers Evening u/as held at School , \7e ate vgry grateful to the Old Girls who were counsellors, and to those who arranged this most instructive and helpful evening. 9th Septernber An Asffonornical Field Night was held at the School. Several telescopes were set up uro,rnd the grounds, and a member of the Queensland Asmonomical Society at each to explain the proceedings, then films 'u/ere shown in the library, \(/e thank the Society and Mrs. Carseldine for organi zing this very interesting and insuuctive evening. L2th September - England, having defeated lWoolcock and Griffith, 'uvon the finals of the Interhouse Junior Basketball against Lilley, who had defeated Gibson 13th September The finals of the Senior Interhouse Basketball u/ere played betrveen Griffith and \Toolcock, Griffith having defeated Gibson and Lilley. Griffith was the winning team. 16th Septernber School Day vras once again a most enjoy- able success. Most of the proceeds, totalling over $1500, went into the School Improvement Fund, from which was bought a painting bv Elizabeth Cummings , &fr old girl of some renown. 19th September - Two old girls of the school who are study- ing Occup ational Therapy, gave some of the Fifth and Sixth
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