December 1967 School Magazine

Brlsbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1967

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Jf{rssage fo yrrents -

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Qr'r/r' Qrolnrnar 3'Iool

As.the pioneers of Commercial Education in Australia, with over 80 yegrs' experience, w€ feel we are guati- fied to give guidance to parents, and the best possible training in this field. Our course is planned to enable girls, with the neces- sary basic qualifications, to fill the most desirable positions in the business and professional fields. lt inc lLlds5- Manual Shorthand_still the most flexible, con_ venient and satisfactory a I !-pu rpose system. (We introduced machine shorthand into our schools over 40 years ogo, but discontinued it for va rious reasons). Typewriting, Bookkeeping, English, Speec'h Train- ing, Deportment, etc. Our standards are high, and for this reason our students are in constant demand. Requirements for enrolment are - A good education, satisfactory school and persona I references, and a conscientious desire to become prof icient.

EDITORIAL " I'{ othing the f uture bodes Or the past has done can, hurt. T be hour wben the drearner walks Aliue in the dream of

"t-hfol{,'uo, srEWARr T he dream is born of a seed and like a plant it flou,rishes and wilts and shoots again uith hopes and fears and plans until it flowers into action. Then begins the hard fisht to achieaement with its obstacles, its pro gress and its setbacks . But once the goal is reached I'{othing can equal the pride and exultation at the moment o!, achieuement. i;;,i2' o::;i l;,ii:t, ti ;':,vtin ss T he preceding battle becomes a. iay, a. test of endurance already passed. T he challenge of the luture caltr be f aced with conf idence. Y oung people are always f illed with hish hopes and plans. Since we shall be the adults of tomorrou), I think it is good to be ambitious, good to practise at school, aiming as hish as our indiuidual abilities allow. It is most important to assess our capabilities care- fully before setting our goal. Il ue aim at An impos- sible goal, the strain to reach that goal is excessiae and does not bring results. We are filled with a sense of our own failure, w/tereas if only tDe had aimed at the right goal, u)e could haae been successful. Again we must be careful that ambition does not becorne an oaer-rLtlins passion, defeating all sense of moral ualues. When ambition results in unsuupulous, self ish actions, harmful to others, then it becomes a uice. Arnbition should be a diiuins force for good. Once ue haue chosen our goal, oflce ue are abso' lutely sure it is the risht goal, ue rnust work hard to attain that goal; but ue must also remember not to be rr.tthless in achieuing our own ends, nor to be conceited

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