December 1953 School Magazine
December. 1953
Brisbane Girls' Grammar SchoOl Magazine
BrisbGile Girls' Grammar School Ma gazine
December. 1953
little sad at the thought that our school days are drawing to a close. ThosP who are leavi ng wi:,;h l'.'I iss Crooks, the Staff and the girls a very happy Christmas and a successful year in 1954.
CURRENT EVENTS Becauis~ the Inter-School Athletic Carnival was held m July this year, there have been Inter-School competitions in Tennis and Basketball only, since our last issue. The A Basketball team, after winning its zone matches, defeated Clayfield College in the final. We' congratulate Somerville House for its win in the Tennis. Keen interest was shown in the Inter-Form Tennis and Basketball Competitions. In Tennis III E did well to reach the finals against VI, and in the Basketball, althoug·h the winning Third Form was beaten by IV B, the Junior School showed there are players capable of reinforcing the ranks which will be depleted by girls leav- ing at the end of the year . This year, for the first time, there has been an Inter-Form Life-Saving Competition. The Fourth Form team defeated a combined Sixth and Fifth Form team and one from Third. Mr. Stenn, a representative of the United Nations Organi- sation, spoke to the senior forms, telling them how the Organi- sation is administered. Some of the senior girls represented the School at a meeting on 25th October, held to commemorate United Nations Day. When Mr. Mahoney , of the Queensland University, who has recently returned from France, showed some of the slides he had taken there, and gave us an interesting commentary on them, those who learn that language actually understood his clear, slowly-spoken French. We were very pleased to have the opportunity of seeing ' 'A Queen is Crowned' ' on the School's projector recently. This projector has served the School well in its first year. We are sure the Physiology girls would ratheu learn about digestion from a film than from text books. We received a pleasant surprise on returning from the holidays, when we saw that fluorescent lights had been installed in all the class rooms. In many of the rooms there were no lights prior to these. The seniors and sub-seniors were invited to the Boys' School for the opening of their gymnasium, a wonderful acquisi- tion which aroused our envy as ·well as our admiration. We served afternoon tea and were rewarded with a holiday by the Governor. The Third and Fifth Forms are practising callisthenir s in preparation for the Royal Visit next year. Many of us feel a . 10
PREFECTS, 1953 .
M. T homas, H. King, J . Green, N. Strachan. J. F arra r . V. White and A. Marwood ( Head Girls) , M. Mc l uckie. E. Roscoe,
FORM NOTES VI Four happy years have <[uickly fled ; Now Senior rears its ugly head. But though in dread We still can be a cheerful crowd ; Our heads are bloody but unbowed; We have our sprees Indulging· in dramatics Hydrostatics And occasional rheumatics At gym. in creaking knees. W e study science, sing, debate, Act Moliere, resuscitate, Make squares for rugs, enjoy the light 11
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