December 1951 School Magazine
The A.M.P. Society offers HAPPY EMPLOYMENT with AMPLE OPPORTUNITIES to young girls intent on a business career Trust, encouragement, equality of opportunity and happy, genial working conditions are offered to every young girl who enters the employ of the A.M.P. Despite itS! great size, the A.M.P. is a friendly, family office wfth every member always ready to guide and encourage the be· ginner . Here are a few of the benefits enjoyed by all staff members : An excellent salary (under a specially favourable award applic- able to the A.M.P. only): Liberal sickness benefits . Staff dining room facilities. Opportunity to join the A.M.P. Staff Social Club. The Sub-manager will g ladly interview any parent or young person contemplating a business career. Simply telephone B 3741 and an appointment will be arranged . A.M.P. SOCJET\' CHIEF OFFICE FOR QUEENSLAND : QUEEN ST.. BRISBANE
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The squirrel knows how sensible it is to save. The nuts he does not eat to-day he puts aw~y carefully in a hollow tree. Then when wmter comes and food is scarce else- ~here he has no cause for worry. His sav- mgs are there to draw upon when he needs them, and so he is happy and contented. For the squirrel a hollow log serves the purpose. For you the Conunonwealth Sav- mgs Bank offers a better place. The money yo~ do not need to-day may be put into a savmgs ac~ou~t. Not only will it be safe there, but It will be earning interest for you. The~e are so many things YOU can save for, thmgs that will make you happier. _Don't waste your money. Save for &ome- thmg worthwhile.
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By Appointment Hardy Brothers LIMITED
Buy all your requuements af Red Comb House and have them delivered by our large fleet of lorries and utilities which main- tains a regular suburban delivery service every work day of the week . Parcels of Grocery and Drapery and small parcels of hardware are delivered FREE, whilst a small _ delivery charge is made for prod- uce, fertilizer, lime, etc. POULTRY FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE SCTV. LTD. RED COMB HOUSE Roma St., Brisbane B3591
118 Queen Street Brisbane
Jewellers Watchmakers Silversmiths
Phone B 8452
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