December 1951 School Magazine
A ROY COOPER PHOTOGRAPH is something you'll be thrill· ed to have, to give your friends and family, to keep as a constant reminder of those happy occasions at school. on your birthday or matriculation day. Record those most important days of your life in a portrait by ROY COOPER phone B 7536 and make an appointment or call into the Studio at
. '
FINNEYS ::rre noted for the superiority of their School Clothes. The cut-the finish-the Qual- ity and the keen Prices com- bine to make them the best clothes your money can buy. FINNEY ISLES & GO. LTD. BRISBANE
I0I Adelaide St. between Arcade & Albert St.
THEIR FUTURE?-- I T is the fond hope ol every Parent that their Sons and Daughters will do sufficiently well at school to ensure their future. R EADING, Writing and Arithmetic are .essential for their education- so a lso are school clothmg-Good School clothing is the finest incentive to encourage a child at school and set a sound foundation for his or her future. I T'S here the vast resources of Mc.Whirters fulfil that objective. Every school garment 1s well made from dependable quality fabric to give good wear, and keen prices ensure maximum value. P LAN for your child's future now-shop at McWhirters. School ou'tfits chosen at McWhirters always give satisfaction. McWHIRTER'S The Valley, Brisbane Phone L OI21
Choose all your school books, priz~ and library books from the huge and comprehen- sive range at Q. B. D. Here you will find
a range equal to any in the State, and new supplies arrive with every mail. Also lead- ing fountain pen specialists-all makes ser- viced and repaired. Queensland Book Depot 61 -63 Adelaide Street (opp. City Hall), Brisbane
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