December 1950 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1950
December, 1950
0 sea, I cannot help but love Thy maj es ty ; The ve iled beauty of they face Forever haunteth me. Up from thy breast 'Nith a golden song Of ecstasy, Thrill ing to join her twinkling throcg, The moon sv!ings dreamily. And now thy darkening field Again I see The snow-white steeds of Virgil Champing, ever free, Their proud heads tossing as they charge Triumphantly ! They have escaped the fading earth And found eternity.
OPERATION CRYSTAL, 1950 "Operation Crystal" is carried out every year by wou ld-be scientists with varving degrees of success and failure. This year it has been ~either a "smashing" success nor a dismal failure. The way has been difficult; only those who have embarked upon "operation crystal' ' know how difficult. How- ever, it is not from lack of enthusiasm that success has , so far, been only half-hearted. The uninitiated will ask, "What is "operation crystal"? Some would say it was a fever which strikes the Fifth Form annually, but we of the Fifth regard it as the culmination of the hopes we have entertained for many months, that is, to grow crystals, b igger and b etter crystals than have ever before been produced. With joyful hearts we began the mysterious .operation early in the third term_ The first step was to prepare a solution of chrome a lum and we carefully watched the solution turn from orange to red, to dark green, as the experiments progressed. Then with what care the magic potion was placed in beakers and s tood aside to crystallize ! "In a day or so," we promised each other, we'll have a crystal. A day passed, two days, a week, a mon th - what could have happened? No crystal? ' 'Patience," we said, "it w ill ccme." Parent's Day passed-still no crystal. In despair, 39
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