December 1950 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls ' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1950

December, 1950

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine ·

LmRARY NOTES The present committee of the Beanland Memorial Library has guided its activities through another yecrr although some- what hampered by lack of space. Three new magazines were added to the list of periodicals to which we subscribe - "Magaine Parade", a quarterly publication, "Dancing Tirries" , and the "National Geographic", which was renewed after its lapse during the war. In ex- change for our own Maga:z,ine, we have received copies of publications from other secondary schools in Queensland, in other perris of Australia, in England and even one in South Africa. From the Library Suggestion Books placed in the Form rooms, novels have been chosen. We have tried to make an even choice in the selection of the books. Unfortunately, some of the books suggested are out of print, however, we shall watch ccrrefully for their reappearance. It is your Librcrry and we always welcome suggestions for its improvement. SCIENCE NOTES During the year the budding scientists of B.G.G.S. have worked, and chattered, in the laboratory. They might have sung, as did the witches of Macbeth did - But, typically, they shrugged their shoulders at the amaz- ing results of their experiments and forgot about it. As always, the ecrrs of passers-by have been assailed by strange noises, and their noses offended by stranger smells which have drifted from the spacious laboratory windows. The students of the various branches of science have oc- cupied themselves in many interesting experiments. The physiology classes have peered through microscopes, sketched, dissected innocent guinea pigs and lecrrnt the intricacies of the human body. The chemistry classes have carried out all the usual experiments with gusto. The Fifth, as their predecessors have done, have endeavoured to grow bigger and better crystals of chrome alum, with some measure of success. One promising crystal has been obtained, and there is hope that several others will develop. In all, the Science students have had a very interesting and instructive year. -G.W. & M.Mci. 37 ''Double, double, toil and trouble Fire burn and cauldron bubble!"

WANDERERS' CLUB This year many girls were turned away from the "Wander- ers' Club", as so many wished to join. Unfortunate ly, one · Mistress could not manage such a large crowd. A1most every alternate Friday afternoon a crowd of Gram- mar School Girls swarmed into a City Council bus- much to the distress of the driver. On these excursions, we visited the new University of which every Queenslander should be prbud: · The visit to Newslead House and meeting the southern tourists there caused great excitement. We had a very interesting films' afternoon presented by .tl;l.\3 _-.Shell Oil Company. We hope the Photography Club emjoyed it. We were very interested in the Museum and in the two branches of the G.P.O. which we visited. We would like to thank Miss Benney for her wonderful planning and leadership of our Club. In our wanderings, we did not forget Miss Weaver and hope her wanderings are as enjoyable as ours were. -A.L. CRUSADER NOTES As we enter upon the concluding meetings of the yecrr, we wish to express our appreciation for permission given us to hold our meetings again in the V Form classroom at l p.m. on Wednesdays. Our meetings have been begun by choruses led by the speaker, followed by prayer and Bible-study. Whilst Miss Dart left us with thoughts from the New Testament, Mrs. Bergen has taken us back to :study the character of Daniel. Each meeting- closed by a short prayer and the benediction. We were sorry to lose Miss Dart who helped us for the first two terms; but we welcome Mrs. Bergen to her voluntary task. Throughout the year we have been helped by addresses from many visiting speakers. Mrs. Dart gave us a talk on ''The Cross"; Miss Turner told us of her work in Syria, and very uplifting talks were given us by Miss Pigram and Mrs. Millikin. During the time when we were without a speaker, we studied under the pleasant and practical guidance of Miss Jarratt, tq whom we tender our appreciation and thanks . The School has been represented at suburban drawing room meetings, and was yery well represented at the mid-winter camp. 36

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