December 1950 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1950
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1950
Sports Notes
TENNIS This year finds our "B" team in a very exalted mood after their win of the "B" pennant- congratulations, you well de- served it. The "A" team was less successful in its matches, but the tennis was of a high standard and enjoyed by everyone. Five teams participated in the match against the Old Girls this year and four of these teams proved successful. The play was very keen and the experience gained helped us consider- ably during the year. Great interest was shown throughout the School in the various matches conducted during the Inter-Form tournament. Fifth was successful against Sixth in the finals after a very exciting tussle. The School Championships, still in progress, have been enthusiastically patronised and the finals are rapidly ap- proaching. In closing we wish to thank Mr. Moon for his helpful advice, our very efHcient scorers and afternoon tea girls and .all who helped to make the tennis season as successful as it was. -L.P. Cliticism of the Team ROSEMARY MACLEAN- Rosemary has proved a very strong member of the team. Her forehand drive and back- hand are consistent but her service should be more reliable . She shows good judgment in the placing of balls. LOLA BEATTIE -Lola has been an energetic member of the team and has played with excellent spirit. Her forehand drive and net strokes have greatly improved and her backhand is extremely good. ELLEN WESTAWAY -Ellen has played with a rea l "fight- ing" spirit and deterr:1ination throughout the season and has proved a willing team member. Her volley needs to be im- proved, as does her service, but her forehand and placement are good. -L.P. LEONE PLEDGER -Leone has played very steadily throughout the season. Her backhand and volley have im- proved considerably and she has been a good captain. -- R.M. 27
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