December 1950 School Magazine

December, 1950

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School .Magazine

Brisbane Girls'. Gramm

. December, , 1950

rnr .. .. The flr;s(day ,y{as filled with expectatron: and ~xtit~m~rit ~k we lfegan . qur sec'onqtrry school life an~~ .routine. w~ . event; ually settled down under the helpful , guida~ce of Miss Kennedy. \ . - i . . - ' ·. • , :1 , . Although. we have a comparatively small Form, we were fortunate enough to have two rep_re~entatives in . tne : School $'Yf~mm1ng team, PEiJgy Dunn and. Judith Jame~ · m(}esi:irve. We also had three in the School Afnlehcs, John'ette ' Zillman, Jocelyn Mciver and June Whitaker. . · ' · · .I • ' Lola Beattie, 01lf outstanding termi~ - plqyer, was ~hosen for the School A Tennis team. In the Inter~Form Tennis we succeeded in winning the III Form Tennis finals, but were finally defeated and would like to offer our congratulations to IV D who won after a hard game. In the Basketball we lost to III A. and in the Inter-Form Athletics, we came well down on the score board: However, the Swimming is . still to come. During the year III F knitted a brigh~ly, coloured ~uc} which will be sent to England. We were very sorr:y · to lose Miss Benney, welcoming in her place, Mr. Finch. ·.·· - · ' •· We' would like =· to wish the Junior and SE!'nior candidates the 'best ofluck, arid Miss Lilley and the Stoff, a Merry Chrfst- mas ·ond a Happy New Year. · · •: · ·• · ii · . ··:1 .


Did you see that 1-o-n-g croc. leaving the Exhibition Grounds on Sports Day? Did you wcnder who those people were in front? Have you ever wondered what they do in ti:J.eir spare time? Here is enlightenment for YOU ! Many interesting and enjoyable outings have been ar- ranged for us during the year. Our most well-remembered were t.1.e Gilbert and Sullivan opera, "The Yeomen of the Guard", the production of "Macbeth" by Twelfth Night Theatre, and the film, "Red Shoes". As well as these, there have been four other picture parties, trc:m rides and hikes. On Empire Youth Sunday, we watched the procession of young people through the city. Although we followed to St. John's Cathedral, we were unable to attend the service there, as there was such a crowd. Boarders' teams have practised well this year and our efforts have not been entirely unrewarded . In our challenge to the Inter-Form winners in Athletics, we were successful in Tunnel-ball, and quite close to the winning team in the others. Our Tennis and Basketball teams have yet to play against the successful Forms, V and III B. Among our achievements for the year, are our efforts for Parents' Day. Our stall was a great success, and our raffles deserve special mention - the dressed doll, and the "lqying' ' duck. The Boarders' Party '.vas held early this year, and we enjoyed entertaining our day-girl friends very much. At the beginning of second term, Miss Weaver left us for her overseas trip, and Mrs. Rorke joined the resident Staff in her stead. Y.le all welcomed her and hope she has a pleasant stqy in the boarding-house. We should like to thank Miss Lilley and the resident staff for their help and guidance throughout the . year. . To the teaching staff and one and all, we wish a very happy Christ- mas and a bright and prosperous New Year. -A.M.B. 25

· · BASKETBALL, : 1 gsa' 24

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