December 1943 School Magazine

December, 1943

Brisbane Gills' Grammar School Magazine

ID~e c~Jllht~Vtl!ine of '(fiql' ~risbane ®iris' ®rammar ~rqnnl

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Another year is drawing to a close and with it the School life of many of us . These years that we have spent at school have not been entirely pleasure-nothing worthwhile ever is- but they have come to a n end leaving a feeling of regre t for something which can never be re-lived, and it will be the memory of the happiness that we have experienced as part of the school that will rema in with us. Within the smaller world of school we have been learning to live as members of a community, to obey its laws and to shoulder its responsibilities, so that we may eventually be more fitted to take up the duties of citizenship . To some, the continuance of studies while there is being waged a war for our existence may seem of s light importance. But those men who are fighting and dying are doing so to preserve for us the right to continue these studies, and for a new and better world in which the educated man and woman must play a prominent part. Therefore we, as the citizens of tomorrow, must b egin now to prepare ourselves for the responsibilities of the future , which must be underta ken not only for those who will come after, but also to keep faith with those who have died in order tha t that future may be of our own making.

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