December 1943 School Magazine
NOW -While your daughter is still at School leaving age for that daughter of yours may seem far away - but the years fly by and plans must be made for a career or for future domestic happi- ness. If your daughter has an in- clination ·to a pr"ofessional calling or if she leans to domestic training she needs a fund to set her off to suc- cess. The A.M.P. Society can suggest a plan which makes it possible. There is no obligation attached to an en- quiry. sCHOOL
At your request the Society will send a competent adviser to suggest a plan to suit you. A~M.P. SOCIETY
(Incorporated in New South Wales) H. W. Piper, Manager fo·: Q'land. Branch Office: QUEEN STREET, BRISBANE
We 5pecit:tlize zn_, SCHOOL BOOKS (New and Second Hand) Our years of experience plus an unparalleled stock justify your confidence to trust us with your needs. We are noted for prompt service and our Mailing Depart- ment is unrivalled. We are always ready to buy your used Books. QUEENSLAND BOOK DE,POT 61-63 Adelaide St. (opp. Ci.\y Hall), Brisbane You must have the RIGHT BOOKS.
A delightfully fresh and p~re :r:>ixture -sterilized for your protechon-1s con. tained in every packet of "Royal Blue" Mixed Fruits. Home cooks prefer the "Royal Blue" pack for this gu~ranteed purity. When you make a fru1t cake, make it with "Royal Blue" Mixed Fruits!
"Royal Blue" Mixed Fruits are a product of Simpson Bros. Ply. Ltd.• manufacturers of Simpson's Self Raising Flour.
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