December 1941 School Magazine
December, 1941
Brisbap.e . Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December. 1941
Br!.sbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
COMMERCIAL FIFTH. The year is rapidly drawing to a close and shortly each member of our Form w ill be sitting for her last examination as a Grammar School candidate. At the beginning of the year, Miss Cottew very kindly let us make u se of the Studio for our Form room, but we were very glad to be able to move into the room used by Commercial Fifth in 1939. Although we did not gain a place in Inter-form sports, we took a keen intere st in the contest. After very exciting games our Tenn is a nd Ne t-ball matches were lost to Fifth Form and we congratulate them on their three-fold victory. We were, how- e ver, well represented in a ll Inter-School Teams and congratu- iate those members of our Form who won the ir pockets. We should like to thank Miss Kennedy, Miss Maclean and l\1iss Tomlinson for accompanying us on our Form p icnic a nd, although the weather was not the brightest, we a ll h ad a happy t ime. During the winter terms, some of our members studied First A id, some Home Nursing, while others busily knitted for the soldiers. We were very glad we were b ack at School this year as .'Severa l of our members had the pleasure of taking part in a .delightful concert g iven in the Albert Hall. Fina lly, we extend our good wishes to Miss Lilley, Miss Kennedy, a nd the rest of the Staff, and hope that they have a very pleasant holiday. We thank them all for the interest they have shown in us during our time at the School. N.A. Thls year has been a very full year for IV. A. We came back from our Christmas holidays ready for work. Then began ecrrnest practice for the concert, in which almost every person i n lhe Form played some part. Ten girls, carefully trained by Miss Tomlinson, gave an excellent physical cluture display. Several girls represented the Form in the Inter-School Swimming and Athletics teams. To Joyce Hill we offer our congratulations on w inning her pocket in Athle tics, also to Norma Oliphant, who won another pocket this year for both Athletics and Net-ball.
Success was not with the Form's Tennis and Ne t-ba ll teams. and though our Athletics teams practised hard, we only suc- ceeded in gaining fourth place. We congratulate the winning teams in every sport. On October 18th, accompanied by IV. B. and IV. D., Miss Baker, Madame and Mrs. Jackson, our Form picnic was held at Scott's Point, where we spent a very interesting day, a lthough many returned home sunburnt and very sorry for themselves. All too quickly has the year passed and now we find the Junior looming in front of us. We are a ll working hard in order that we may repay those mistresses who have spent so much time he lping us. To our teacher and good friend, Miss Donaldson, who is leaving the School for overseas service w ith the V.A.D.'s, we say "au revoir" and know that the School's loss will be the A.I.F.'s gain. To those who will continue School next year we say "Happy schooling, " and to those who are leaving, we wish that good for tune will go w ith them. IV. B. Our Fourth Form days are rap idly drawing to a close and now consider ourselves fully entitled to tetm ourselves "~Dart of the Grammar School." Our year has been a pleasant o rne and this has been largely due to the interest and sympathy of Madame Smikoff to whom we tender our thanks. Next year will see our numbers somewhat depleted, much to our regret, for firm fri endships have been cemented. We did not distinguish ourselves at theinter-Form At0:letics, though we had four representatives in the Inter-School team. We gained third place in the Net-ba ll contest, beipg defeated by the invincible Fifth. Vilma Pask, June Elliott and Elsie Vickers secured poc::kets and to them we offer our congrc;rtu- la tions. We enj oyed. ourselves immensely at the Form Picnic:...:...JV, A. and IV. D. accompanied us , under the care of Madame Smikoff, Miss Baker and Mrs. Jackson. · Some half-dozen of us a ttended dancing classes througholit the year, and we trust are not quite so clumsy as we w~re at the beginning. We have also greatly enj oyed our lessoris on the apparatus in the gym, and our thanks are due to Miss Tom.- linson with whom we have drilled happily every week. · ·
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