December 1940 School Magazine

December, 1940

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1940

being appointed to form a representative group in the Com- mittee.


At th is meeting Miss Lloyd gave a talk on her trip to , · England.

The Committee was most sorry to lose the services of i ts Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Dorothy Bowden, who was appointed to a school in Mackay. She w rites that she is en joying her work there, whilst missing all the various things in connection w ith the Association for w h ich she worked so hard during the year.

At the second meeting, held on 29th May, Miss Fel9ate. gave a most interesting talk on Work in the Theatre in England.· A collection of £1./9/- was . taken up for the War Work Group and arrangements made for a Musical Evening to be held in aid of the War Work Group. Miss Woodward and Mrs. Goodfellow were appointed mem- bers of the Entertainment Committee. 1 ..... . At the ;meeting of 29th July, members were entertained by a Play Reading arranged by Miss Fe lgate. Th is was- very much appreciated.

Ethel Holyoake, who was away for some months in New Zealand, has returned fu ll of enthusiasm for that country and the holiday she spent ther&. The Association will be glad of her help once more.

Dorothea Stephens, who is in charge of the Holy Cross Girls' School a t Nandyal, South India, is in Brisbane at present, and is to address the Senior Members' Group at its last meeting for the year.

At the meeting of 16th September, Miss Phillips and Miss Hockey tendered their resignations from the Committee.

Mrs. H. S. Dean, ·who will be> remembered as Maud Gubby, has gone off, with her husband and her two small sons, to live in Melbourne whe·re Mr. Dean is engaged on work for the Defence Depar tment.

H was arranged to donate £3/3/- to the Y.M.C.A. A Musi- cal Programme was provided by Mr. Daniels and a collection of £2/7/6 taken up for the War Fund. Our Breaking Up Party was held on 27th November, mem- bers · bringing along toys for the Spring Hill Mission Xmas Tree and Miss D. Stephens gave an interesting talk on her work and experiences in India.

Alma Hartshorn is in Brisbane in the employ of the Defence Department and Ailsa Newman, who is Dr. Gutteridge' s very competent assistant, has been exceedingly busy all the year with the b lood grouping of th e men in camp- both Militia and A .I.F.

A large number of Old Girls have left Australia as nurses w ith the A.I.F. and more a r e yet to go.

Nina Macdonald is engaged in missionary work in India and is stationed at Darjeeling, where she. is extending her knowledge of local tongues .


.... . !,

Mrs. C. R. Tranberg (Hazel Harrold) was in Brisbane with her small daughter during the year.


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