December 1940 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1940
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1940
At the State Schools' Concert at the City Hall, this year, Louise Grimes was at the Organ, and Gwen Thompson at the Piano.
Since the June issue of the Magazine, there has been little activity which has involved the Association as a whole, but the individual members hae been exceedingly busy. Old Girls hold responsible positions in all the organisation dealing with the various extra calls imposed upon us by the War; as well as those which are carrying on the work of Social Service whiCh is always with us. The Association's own War Work' Group has done fine work during the past six months arid a report of its activities is included in these notes. Under these circumstances, there has been little demand for functions of a purely social kind. The Annual Dance which was to have been held at the School on June 7th, had to abandoned owing to lack of sup- port. When the nominations closed, so few had been received that it was obvious that people were either too busy with other ties, or had-as they so often do-put off replying until the last minute. In this case, however, it was not possible to leave arrangements until that last minute, and the Committee was reluctantly compelled to cancel the function . We hope that it may be held next year. It was most unfortunate that more Old Girls did not attend the play "Tobias and the Angel" which Miss Felgate and her Twelfth Night players staged at the School on the 18th and 19th October, in aid of the funds of the War Work Group. The Basket Ball Court above the Gymnasium was used, the end near the covered way being converted into a most pleasing stage. Those who did brave the most uncertain weather were amply rewarded for their courage, and those who did not, must have been very sorry when they heard the enthusiasm of those
Gwen Jones has topped her year in L.T.C .L. Elocution, and Old Girls have been· very well represented in the various .amateur dramatic bodies which have presented plays this year. · Amongs t the se latter have Daphne Roemennann, Katherine Kelso, Dorothy Clark, Jean Trundle and Marion Askew.
Joan Allsop has followed up he r his torical studies with lecturing to the Hist~rical Society on "Land Legislation in Queensland."
Marion Bentley and Olive Dunlop are still in England.
Joan Money has just completed her science course, in which she did brilliantly, securing eight Meri ts and a Pass+.
· Esme Schmidt. Louise Silcock. Hazel Muirhead. Joan Harrison and Jay w ·alt have announced their engagements this year; and Lorna Plaisted, Olive Foxlee Daphne Schofield, Nan Edgar, Dorothy Brighouse and Paddie Stanley have been married.
We offer our congratulations ·to ·Mrs. T. -Beneke (Mollie Groom), Mrs. F. Muirhead (Ruth Steedman), Mrs. K. Down (Beryl Pratten), Mrs. J. Bleakley (Jean Dunlop), Mrs. F. Pickburn (Betty De·rbyshire), Mrs. W. Puregger (Marjorie Bulcock), Mrs. Finemore (Mary Edgar), Mrs. N. A. Jackson (Mary Step henson), whose babies have been born since the last issue of the Magazine .
The Committee sends its best Christmas wishes to you all, and thanks you for your help during the year, though it does wish you would send !n interesting bits for these notes! MARGARET MACPHERSON-Hon . Sec.-Treas.
5J' .
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