December 1940 School Magazine
December, 1940
Brisbane Girls' Grammm School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
Decernb~r, 1940
Old Girls took part in the Victorian Ballet in the pageant arranged by the Comfor ts Fund last October.
are members of the Provisions Club Committee. Norma Bennett is a member of the Women's Club Committee and Daphne Fielding is on the Committee of the Student Christian Movement. On the Sporting side a lso , Old Gir ls have be<:m well represented. Thalia Kennedy has been Captain of the "A" Hockey Team, and Audrey Webb, Marjorie Allsop, and Daphne Fielding were also members of this team. Daphne Fielding is also Vice-President of the Sports Union .
Gifts of scarves, socks, knee-caps and mittens have also been sent to the Red Cross and the Missions to Seamen. A Snipping Par ty was held at which old silk stockings and p ieces of material were cut up to fill small pillows for the use of soldiers in hospital. Various functions were held during the year to provide the finances of the group. A picture benefit was arranged at the Wintergarden. Eunice Beavis w ith the help of other Old Girls organised a dance at the Canberra. Miss Felgate, assisted by the Twelf th Night Theatre, on two successive nights, staged a p lay in the School grounds, in conjunction with which the Old Girls ran a coffee stall. Uncertain weathe r caused cons iderab le a nxiety on both nights and p revented the function from being the financial success it would othe·rw ise have been. Artistically, the play was all that could be de·sired and the audience thoroughly enjoyed the novel out-door setting. Ella Robinson, an Old Girl of the School, and Hilda Woolmer gave us a two-piano recital in the Lord Mayor's Reception Room. Two vocalists, Frank Curnow and George Macfarlane contributed to the programme. Other Old Girls have also been active. Joan Godfrey arranged a concert a t Toowong, and Agnes Robinson , from the Senior Group, held a b ridge party. The wool box has been moved from the Twelfth Night Theatre Club room on the fourth floor of Empire Chambers to the Creche and Kindergarten rooms on the fi rs t floor. The hours of the depot are the same viz . Mondays, from 1. 15 to 1.50 p.m. and! from 4.30 to 5.50 p.m. The committee would very much appreciate any offers from Old Girls to do duty at the depot at these times. A programme of work for the New Year is occupying the thoughts of the committee. Any suggestions will be welcome. Bring them along to the general meeting to be he ld at the School Hall early ns·xt year.
This year, Old Giris have been active membe·rs of the Women of the University's War Group.
Once again, the year has drawn to a close, and, although we shall be losing a number of Old Girls, w e hope that next year's "Freshers" from the Grammar School will join as much as possible in the activities of University Life. UNDERGRADESS.
The War Group has undertaken the care of the 2/2 Fie ld Hygiene· Section, a unit of 31 men commanded by Captain Croll. While these men were in camp at Redbank and a t Cannon- Hill we sent them sweaters, socks, a nd scarves as asked for. Just be·fore leaving, it was suggested by Captain Croll that sunglasses and tropical mosquito nets would be useful. By combing the town we managed to obtain a pair of the right type of sunglasses for each man and by the energy of a number of Old Girls twenty-eight mosquito nets were made, following directions sent by Captain Croll. The unit has since gone abroad. They sent us a group _photo and since·re appreciation for our gifts. We hope to keep in touch with them and to a ssist them further while on active se·rvice. To the Australian Comforts Fund the Old Girls have donated gifts includ- ing fifty pairs of socks, forty scarves, together with mit tens, kneecaps, and a collection of sundry ar ticles, such as soap, toothp aste, cigarettes, which were donated by the Senior Group at one of the ir monthly meetings. A group of
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