December 1940 School Magazine
'Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1940
·Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1940
Sports Notes SWIMMING.
On two outstanding occasions in March of this year, the Valley Baths rang with the enthusiastic war cries of hundreds of excited supporters cheering the ir teams to victory. The first of these events was the Brockway Cup which resulted in a win :lor Somerville House and second place for our team, and the second, the Inter-School Swimming Carnival at which the School again took second place to Somerville House. We are all very grateful to Mr. Collin for his careful super · vision and his unfailing interest in us. Also we would like to thank Miss Y orston who coached the Life Savers for the Mc- Whirter Cup in which they gained second place. As our usual pool in Arthur Street has been undergoing a series of repairs, we have, this term, been swimming in the Ithaca Pool under the enthusiastic coaching of Miss Tomlinson. To every girl contemplating entry in the forthcoming School Carnival, we wish the best of luck and those of us who are not returning extend our heartiest good wishes to the girls who will participate in Inter-School events next year. J.S., Com. V. TENNIS. The match played against the Old Girls was the first of the season, and throughout the afternoon exciting matches were enjoyed, culminating in the defeat of both our A. and C. teams, and a victory for the B. team. With the entry of Clayfield College into the School fixtures this year the number of competing Schools totalled nine, with the result that we were able to play only one match against each school. We would like to thank those girls who assisted with the afternoon tea during matches played at School. The new courts IV. and V. received special attention this year, and were in excellent condition for the matches . Great interest was shown throughout the School in the various matches conducted during the Inter-Form tournament. Fifth was successful against Sixth in the finals after a very ex- "'ci'tt:hg tussle. The Senior ·Singles were contested by Dulcie Hungerford and Eleanor Witcombe, and resulted in Dulcie's victory. The Senior Doubles were won by Dulcie Hungerford
B. TENNIS TEAM, 1940 M. Blanshard, M. Parsons (Capt.) , E. Witcombe, B. Young.
and Stephanie Carrick, after a well-contested match against Marie Parsons and Margaret Blanshard. The Junior Doubles were won by Lorna Amoore cmd Valda Keefer, and the Junior Singles by Lorna Amoore. Not as many Junior members of the School as might have been expected entered the competition, but keen spirit was shown by those girls who did compete. Tennis classes were conducted for pupils throughout the year by Mr. England. In closing, we wish to thank Miss Jones for all the kind interest she has taken in the teams, and for the advice she has given us for the betterment of our standard of play. We con- gratulate Somerville House and St. Margaret's on winning the A. grade, and St. Aidan's and Somerville House on winning th~ B. grade pennant. CRITICISM OF THE TEAM. Ducie Hungerford has played well throughout the season, and the · high standard of play she maintained has earned her a Blue. Congratulaiionsl
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