December 1940 School Magazine
December, 194()
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1940
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
. , Last year a number .of the old boarders le ft the School, and ifr their place cam~ new girls, w ith whom we have had a very p leasant year. ,' The boarders have been well represented in the School Athletics, Net-ball, and. Swimming teams this year, and we -ittould like to congratulate the B. Net-ball girls on winning the· pennant. : During .the year we have spent enjoyable Saturday after- :iioons visiti~g places of interest, and on several occasions we have had picnics ." Other entertainments have . been visits to plciys, ballets and pictures, and we would like to thank Miss Lilley for arranging these outings for us. We have been glad to knit socks, mittens and other gar-· :inents, and to support the Tuck Shops; we have also k'nitted a rug, in gay colours, for the Bush Children. . We would like to extend our best wishes to Miss Felgate, who, throughouf the year, has so generously thought of . the boarders. Owing to her interest in us, we are now the proud possessors of five very fine photographic studies of historical buildings, including the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. These have been reproduced from photographs which she took in England. In closing, we would like to extend a hearty welcome to the British children who have come to settle in our 'iand, and we hope that all strife in their homeland will soon be ended.
ON THE FIELD. _ ' Inter-School Athletics, 1940.
Photo by cour tesy The "Telegraph", Brisban-e
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