December 1940 School Magazine
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December, 194()
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
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' EDITORIAL. Since the last publication of our School Magazine the war situation has undergone a profound change. The capitulation of France, our foremost a lly, came as a serious blow to our cause, but, with stout hearts and unswerving courage, the peoples of the British Commonwealth of Nations have united into one strong, determined, . indivisible whole. The determination of the people of Brita in has been shown by the quiet, steady manner in which they go about their duties from day to day regardless of the destruction surrounding them, while their dauntless courage has been made manifest by their resolute behaviour during the indiscriminate bombings by a ruthless and desperate enemy. We, in this country, are so far removed from the noise and ravages of war that sometimes it seems difficult to realise that, along with the other parts of the British Commonwealth of Nations, we are a nation engaged in a terrible struggle for the very existence of humanity and civilisation . As each of us finds a part, however small, which we can play in the successful p rosecution of this war, let us do it with steadfastness and to the very best of our ability. Also, let us always remember that, as our Princess Elizabeth has said, "When peace comes, it will be for us, the children of to-day to make the world of tomorrow a better a nd a happier place. McLEOD'S for your Boolts Many years of experience plus an un- paralleled stock of books of a ll descriptions justify your confidence in our ability to provide you with the BOOKS you need. You may rely on us to have ... The Right Books in The Right Editions at The Right Prices A. McLEOD B.L., VI. . "Brisbane's Best Bookstore" 107 Elizabeth Street 9 Decl'mber, 1940 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine ;Brisbane Girls' Grammru· School Magazine December, 1940 FORM NOTES. CURRENT EVENTS. VI. We are the Grammars' students, We are the Sixth Form grave; We face a fearsome Senior, With smiles, and hearts so brave! Although we lost the Net-ball, Athletics showed our might; The tennis match is lost and won, The swimming still in sight. Our clubs have been quite jolly, We wander, sketch, and cook, And some of us you'll notice Armed with a First Aid Book. Our Dance was on the 30th, It was a gay affair; Our frocks were bright and pretty, We danced without a care. We have the Net-ball captain, We have three of the team; And one a record-breaker- A runner it would seem! But we are growing older, Our schooldays nearly o'er; Next year we will not wear It- The tie we've worn for four. But we will not forget Her, Or all the things she's taught; The wisdom, truth and courage, The clean and noble thought. Forever we will love Her, Our hearts are ever true; We always will revere Her, The Grammar! and our Blue! v. In this last half-year our energies have not been directed solely towards schoolwork, and a great deal of time has been spent on war work. The School has sent to the Co~forts' Fund 79 pairs of socks, 35 pairs of mittens, 4 pairs of gloves, 24 scarves, 14 waistcoat mufflers, 14 balaclavas, l pair of wristlets, l polo collar and 8 cardigans. Also 15 wool rugs were knitted by various Forms and sent to the Bush Nursing Association. In the last week of the second term a very enjoyable after- noon was spent by all present when a Garden Party was held in the School grounds in aid of the Red Cross and the School Prize Fund. Pupils, parents and friends were entertained on the lawn with a drill display by Sixth Form, folk-dancing, music ·by the Orchestra and . Form singing. Decorated Sweets, '~_Mystery" and Flower Stalls brightened the grounds and an interesting novelty was to have one's silhouette drawn by Miss Cottew, assisted by three members of the Sixth. Over £50 was raised .as a result of this very successful afternoon of which £25 was sent to the Red Cross Appeal. In August Mr. Whelan visited the School and gave a very interesting talk on his walking tour through various continents. He delighted us with his experiences in France, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Egypt, India, the East Indies and Australia. The tuckshops conducted by the Army Medical Corps Com- forts Fund Committee every month, have continued to be well supported and enjoyed by the School. On September 7th the Inter-school Athletics Carnival was held at the: Exhibition Grounds; our teams finished in the third :place. Much of our energy during 3rd term was thus devoted games while various Clubs continued to meet on Friday after- noons. Details of these activities will be found later in this issue. In letters from Miss Wilkinson from London, dated August 8th, she said that heavier air-raids were daily expected. She herself was well and doing her best to grow vegetables in her -±iny garden. · She has sent papers eyery week to give news o( later even-ts ·in England. - ·- By means of the paragraph we send her our greetings and good w ishes. B.L., '!I. 1940 has been a very happy year for Fifth Form. Perhaps ·we have not worked as diligently as we did in our Junior Year, but we have cemented many friendships begun in the lower School. We have done our best to pass on to the incoming Fifth the Athletic honours left in our keeping by Fifth of 1939 although we have failed to hand them over intact! They w ill at least see 11 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 December,' 1940 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine on the mantle-piece the Tennis Cup for the winning of which we congratulate the members of our team. We are very proud to say that this year the B. tennis team of the School drew its members entirely from Fifth Form. W'e are grateful to Sixth for the invitation to be present at their Dance and our evident enjoyment of the evening marks the extent of our appreciation. Our activities in war work have been very varied. We helped to dress dolls for the Doll's Stall at the Government House Fete. Some of the more industrious .members of the Form have been very busy knitting to keep our soldiers warm and we all combined in the making of a wool rug for the Bush Nursing Association. On the 18th June, the shadows of our examinations having faded into the background for another six months, we celebrated by throwing ourselves heart and soul into the preparations for our Garden Party. We folk-danced, sang and did our best to provide our relatives and friends with an enjoyable afternoon's entertainment. Our heartiest congratulations to Sixth Form on their splendid victory on Athletics Day. We hope to keep up their standard next year. Our congratulations go, too, to Commercial V. for their ex- cellent Net-ball team. We are proud to have played against this year's winners of the Cup. We wish to congratulate the three members of our Form who have reached the finals of the School Tennis Championship events. During the third term some of our members formed a Play Reading Club which met on Friday afternoons. We thank Miss Macmillan who so kindly helped us to spend many en- joyable hours. To Miss Lilley, Miss Maclean, and the members of the Staff, we extend our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. COMMERCIAL V. During a year whose every day brought news of some fresh atrocity abroad, it was strange to find that we could still enjoy the unbroken pleasures that sport and study had to offer. How- ever, as the year progressed, many of our girls found positions, and of the thirty-four members of Commercial Vat the beginni11g of the year, only sixteen now remain. Miss Cottew was very kind in allowing us to use the Studio as our Form Room, but even so, we had to move from room to room for each period. Unfortunately, we became more and more absent-minded, and acquired a habit of shAdding books as we went, which was very perplexing to both Mistresses and pupils. Owing to our sadly depleted numbers we did not shine on Inter-form Sports Day, but some of our members found a place in the School Athletics Teams. After a very exciting game against Sixth Form, we were successful in winning the Net-ball Cup, and we sincerely congratulate Sixth and Fifth Forms who won the Athletics · and the Tennis Cup respectively. We should like to thank Sixth Form for their kind invitation to attend their dance, and those who accepted spent a very en- joyable evening. The more energetic of our members have been busily knitting socks and scarves for the soldiers, and with the help of IIIC., we knitted a very bright woollen rug for the Bush Nursing Association. In conclusion, we would like to extend our good wishes to Miss Lilley and the Staff, and express a wish that the future members of the School may enjoy their sojourn as much as we have ours. IV. A. The past year has been a very interesting one and our time has been completely filled by work and play. When we re- turned to School the first term and realised that the Junior was ahead of us, we anticipated a hard year of work, and we have been so fully occupied that it has passed all too quickly. Our time was fully taken up in second term by our school work as well as by preparing for the School Fete at which some of our members helped entertain (or otherwise) the visitors . Although our tennis team practised hard, they were defeated and our net-ball team met a like fate . Congratulations to Fifth and Commercial Fifth on their respective victories! But greater success attended us on the Athletics field where we achieved third place. Once more we congratulate Sixth on its victory. 13 J. CLOWES-C.V. 12 December, 194G! ; Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine Blisban~ .Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 On Wednesday, 4th September, under Madame's guidance, we fovaured the Alliance Francoise by ari exhibition of our vocal capaCities and they seemed to enjoy it. Margaret Shepley and Elsie Storrie were in the A. and B. net-ball teams respectively and they won their pockets. Annette Dennis also won her pocket for 'swimming and we had fiv~ members in the Inter-School Athletics team. . We went on our Form Picnic to Scott's Point on Saturday, 2nd O,ctober, with IV. C. and IV. D. and had a great time. ·we~ wish· to thank Miss Lilley, Miss Baker and our subject mistresses for the interesting year we have had; we . hope to repay their efforts by our results in the Junior Examination-- now looming in the near future. IV. B. Many of us who are anticipating further study at the School, are. looking forward to next year when we shall ·again be with some of the girls from whom we separated during the first term by a re-arrangement of Forms. We feel sure that we shull have as pleasant a time as we have spent during the last · twelve months, under the guidance of our mistresses. We : would like to thank Miss Lilley very much fm her interest in - us ,-and for the beautiful picture of the English countryside which she has given for our Form room. We began the year well represented in swimming by Dorothy Dunstan and Janette Hislop who have renewed th,E;Jir · "Blues", •.. Several members of the School Athletics team were . al~o ·;.;;embers of IV. B. During the net-ball season, Joan Cusack and Irene Pittman played for the School in the teams and for this work both received "pockets". We are proud of Mari Morris who did much to gain our fourth place in the Inter- For:m Athletics, held on 16th August, c:md congratulate VI. Form . on their success. Our tennis team was not very successful but our net-ball girls survived two matches. we wish to congratu- late V. and Commercial V. Forms on their well deserved . victories. We are looking forward to Saturday, November 2nd, when we are going for our Form picnic to Sutton's Beach, Redcliffe, with IV. E. We are quite sure the day will be most enjoyable and thank Madame Smikoff and Mrs. Todd for accompanying us. · This year we have spent some of our spare time knitting for soldiers and have heartily supported the monthly tuck-shops. 14 0 \ I ) 15 December, 1940: Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine llrisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 We spent a most enjoyable day with IV. A. and IV. D. on November 2nd at Redcliffe and we hope that all the other Forms enjoyed their picnic. During this term we have played our net-ball and tennis matches, but Oh! how our high hopes were dashed when we. were defeated in our first matches. Stephanie Carrick and· her: partner Dulcie · Hungerford IV. D. succeeded in winning thfl' Senior Doubles Championship. We offer our. heartiest con~ gratulations to each of .t!iem. . . · ~Jow with the Junior looming ahead we have -turned our eyes from pleasure to school-work, and we hope that we wm take our stand, high among those who succeed. We wish all Junior and Senior candidates the best of luck. In conclusion, we wish to thank Miss Benney, our Form· Mistress, and all the other mistresses whose untiring efforts have made us hopeful of success. -. We wish to extend our sympathy to girls of other parts of the world who are not so fortunate as we during the present situation. IV. C. As we look back over our yaar as Fourth Formers we im- mediately call to mind many happy events. When we entered our new class room we read the motto which has taken its place on the blackboard in IV. C. room for many years, "Strive to Excel" and we _determined to keep up ihe old tradition . We were indeed sorry when, near the beginning of the year we heard that our Form captain, Noela Payton, was leaving. We wish her all success in her business career. Edna Smith was then chosen to carry out the duties which she had to relinquish. We have interested ourselves in all the sports, and although we have not won any of the Shields, we have enjoyed com- peting against the other Forms, and finding our betters. The baths tempted many of us during the first term, and we used to enjoy our Friday afternoon swims. Again, this term, we have taken to the pool, and are looking forward with grEiat interest to the Inter-Form Swimming Carnival. Athletics be- came very popular during the second and third terms, and our enthusiasm came to a climax when we saw our girls wear- ing golden brown bandanas, entering the sports field. On the day of the Inter-School Athletics we were able to cheer many of our Form-mates. Our Form was given the honour of being allowed to take charge of the Sweets Stall at the Garden Party held during the third term. A group of girls went for a hike to Mt. Cootha with Miss Benney and during the Mid-winter holidays they went to Bribie Island and spent an enjoyable week there. ' . JVD. ROOM • D. HORN, JVC. Photo. by E. K~lly , IVD. 16 December, 1940 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 IV. D. As IV. D. is such a small Form this year, we have had the privilege of occupying the room which belonged to Sixth Form for so many years. We were represented at the Inter-School Sports by Ruth Dent and Essie Kelly. Dulcie Hungerford and Lorna Amoore have distinguished themselves in tennis, Dulcie with Stephanie Carrick of IV. C. winning the Senior Doubles, and Lorna with Valda Keefer of III. C. winning the Junior Doubles. Dulcie also won the Senior Singles against Eleanor Witcombe of Fifth Form. The Net-ball team justified its existence by winning two matches. Many of the girls feel rather sad about leaving School this year; they have spent two happy and profitable years here and do not want to end them; so we shall all leave for the Junior with mixed feelings. : We wish all our mistresses a happy holiday and all Forms the best of luck and a happy and profitable New Year. IV. E. The time for magazine contributions has come once again, bringing with it the rather alarming thought that another year is drawing to a close. We have spent a most enjoyable year together in IV. E. and we are anticipating an even better one next year. We cannot say that we feel very jubilant at the thought of the forthcoming Junior examination, but we wish all .::andidates for both Junior and Senior the best of luck. The form has not excelled in sports, although we were represented by three girls in the Inter-School teams. We heartily congratulate Sixth Form on their success in the Inter- Form sports and also Fifth Form and Commercial Fifth on being victorious in the tennis and net-ball matches respectively. Our Form tennis team survived two matches, but we were defeated in the first round of net-ball matches, despite the fact that two of our number are members of the B. net-ball team. We should like to thank · Madame and her form, IV. B. for joining with us in our Form picnic, and we are anticipating a most enjoyable time with them on November 2nd at Redcliffe. Our thanks are also extended to our Form Mistress, Mrs. Todd, who has constantly helped us in any difficulty throughout the year. We conclude the year by extending to Miss Lilley and the Staff our most sincere wishes for an enjoyable holiday, 0 happy Christmas and a brighter and better New Year. 18: III. A. Looking back on our first year at this School, I am sure that our Form has had a very happy time. Although we did not secure an outstanding place in the Inter-Form Sports we all enjoyed our weekly practice on the turf. III. A. were well represented in the Inter-School teams by Betty Garven, Joyce Hill, Ruth Micheli and Joan Moodie . . Joan Caswell swam in the Inter-School Swimming Carnival. in the beginning of the year. Each of us has a tennis time once a week and in the Inter- Form tennis matches we secured second place among the thirds. Every Friday we spend a delightful period on the net- ball court. An enjoyable Saturday was spent at Petrie on October 26th when, with III. D., we held our Form picnic. We are looking forward to the Inter-Form Swimming Carnival at the end of the year when we hope to carry away the Swimming Cup ! ! ! Every Friday we go to our various clubs-handicraft, modelling, sketching, athletics, and knitting. During the year we have knitted quite a number of socks, rugs, balaclava caps and mittens. This is our little bit towards Australia's War Effort and we feel sure it cheers the soldiers who are doing so much for us . FORM PICNIC AT PETRIE Photo by R. Hull-Moody. 19 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 Dec::emb(;1r. 1940· III. B. We hqvE) ju~t ended a very happy year with Miss Jones as Form-Mistress, she has been most kind and . heipful, and to her we tender our thanks. · · · During the year we p layed two net-ball matches, one against liLA., and the other against IILD. : w inning the former and losing the latter. . Congratulations to Elsie Vickers, Mary Ha ll , June Ell iott and Norma Oliphant who have won their pockets. Elsie won hers for net-ball and the others gained theirs for running. Thanks, mainly to Norma Oliphant, the Junior Sports Cap- tain whom we had in our Form this year, III. B. gained secorid p lace in the Inter-Form sports. However exercise did not prevent the Form from catching every germ floating about the School, a nd at one period eleven girls were absent with measles, chicken-pox and 'flu. We · have not . neglected war-work, and have contributed several knitted articies to the Comforts Fund. By our united efforts we .completed after several weeks a knitted patchwork rug for ·the Bush Nursing Association. On the day of our Form picnic, Miss Jones and III. B. ac- companied Miss Donaldson and III. A. to Petrie where an ~n joyable day wa9 spent. The weather was perfect for swim- ming a nd what reeked we of sunburnt backs and noses? Judith Batchen, our Form captain has had a little difficulty in keeping order between lessons, but she has carried out her duties faithfully and we hope: successfully. We are looking forward to another year at the School; I think most of us have made good resolutions for it. Let us hope that they will be carried out. We conclude wishing all a Merry Christmas and a ·Happy New Year, and thanking the mistresses who have laboured with us throughout the year. III. C. 1940! The end of this term sees the close of the first year of our secondary education. School work and sport have been equally divided and we have spent a very enjoyable year. Throughout the year we have thoroughly enjoyed our gym- nastic periods with Miss Tomlinso_n, . . What a pity we only qqve. one Jesson a week ! IIIC. CAPTAIN BALL TEAM Photo by Audrey Wright When the Athletics season drew near, we enjoyed our Wednesday afternoon practices with Miss Donaldson and our net-ball practices with Mrs. Marshall. Although we prefer to pass over our Athletics results on Sports Day, we did well in tennis-by topping the Thirds- and we had an exciting net-ball match against III. D. , a lthough the victory was not ours. We a ll enjoyed the address given by Laurel Martyn (an old pupil of the School) on her dancing experience and travels in England, and the talk by Mr. Whelan on h is hiking tour through Europe. . The main clubs favoured by the Form were the Handi- craft Club, the Knitting Group and the Photography Club. We wish to thank the mistresses who helped us in this <:lub work. We were a ll very pleased to show our friends around the Sch ool on the day of the Garden Party in June. One of our g irls _participated in the Folk Dancing, which we _enjoyed very much. ' Each week we look forward to our art lessons and are glad to say they have not been entirely wasted on us, for several interesting designs have been composed by some of our Form pupils. · A large number of the Form attended the weekly dancing lessons given by Miss Tomlinson, but now that summer is here we devote our Friday afternoons· to swimming ·a t the Ithaca Bath,s. 20' December, 1940 Brisbano Girls'. Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 Brisbano Girls' Grammar School Magazine When Miss Lilley inspected the class-rooms we had every- thing spick and span. The roorp was full of fl owers and Miss Lilley was very pleased. For the Garden Party held at the School we made about 40 sweet baskets and Miss Benney was pleased with III.D. for their effort. We are looking forward to next year at School and wish Miss Lilley, the Staff and the School a very enjoyable holiday. III. E. As our first year at School has also been the fiu:-st year of the war, we have tried to include in our work some other activi- ties to help our soldiers. We dressed some of the dolls sold at the Government Fete and on Tuck-Shop Day we do our very best to aid the funds. Also the Bush Nurses' Association has received this year a wool rug-the result of our endeavours. III. E. is very proud that five of its members were in school teams on the day of Inter-School Sports. Otherwise, however, we have not excelled on the playing field except to win the Inter-Form Re lay-to everyone's surprise-on our own sports day . We congratulate Sixth for winning the Athletics, Fifth who won the tennis and Commercial Fifth who now have the Net-ball Shield. . Thanks to Miss Muirhead, Miss Elliot, Miss Tomlinson and III. C. we had a very enjoyable picnic at Redcliffe on the twenty -sixth of October. III. E. wish the compliments of the season to Miss Lilley, Miss Muirhead and all the Staff. One of our girls has written a poem which is suitably named- III. E. Oh! the belles of the Grammar are we in the III. E. We represent all that a Form should be. Ideal Pupils-But derinitely! As the sternest of prefects must agree. The Inter-Form Relay we won with ease, There was none to compare with the gallant III. E's Even surpassing the wonderful pres. (Tennis and net-ball we won't discuss, please). There's only one thing about which we complain; After all, we're an excellent Form (in the main), Yet no one appreciates our virtues round here, When we try to convince them, they actually sneer ! 23 Four new vases have been added to our Form stock and we are proud to say they are always in use as we always have an abundant supply of flowers. These rival the beauty of the ferns and the garden (outside our windows) which we make believe is our own. On Saturday, 26th October, we spent a most enjoyable Form picnic at Sutton's Beach, Redcliffe, having with us III. E. and their Form Mistress, Miss Muirhead. Miss Tomlinson accom- panied us as our guest. Although most of us suffered from sun- burn, the enjoyment of such a splendid day more than co~ pensated for the discomfort. In closing we wish to thank Miss Elliott for her ever ready assistance in all our accomplishments and we send sincere good wishes to a ll Junior and Senior candidates. B. LEAVER, IJIC. III. D. For us, this year of 1940, has been our first at a secondary school and most of us have enjoyed it. We are grateful to Mrs. Gleghorn, our Form mistress, for explaining all the "do's" and :'don'ts" of the School and guiding us through the year. III. D. we:e the first to plan their p icnic, and were all excited about the lovely day we should have with Mrs. Gleghorn and Mrs. Marshall. Unfortunately it rained, so we went to the pictures, then the Gardens. We did not excel in the Inter-Form Sports but had four representatives in the Inter-School team and wish to thank Miss Tomlinson, Miss Donaldson and Miss Elliott for training us. In net-ball we won against Third and Fourth Forms, but Fifth Form beat us by four goals. We had one representative in the Brockway and Inter-School Swimming Teams and are the proud possessors of one pocket for swimming and two for net-ball. Some of the girls have knitted garments for the Comforts Fund, Beryl Johnston having sent in the greatest number. 22 December, 194() Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine BOARDERS' NOTES-1940. . , Last year a number .of the old boarders le ft the School, and ifr their place cam~ new girls, w ith whom we have had a very p leasant year. ,' The boarders have been well represented in the School Athletics, Net-ball, and. Swimming teams this year, and we -ittould like to congratulate the B. Net-ball girls on winning the· pennant. : During .the year we have spent enjoyable Saturday after- :iioons visiti~g places of interest, and on several occasions we have had picnics ." Other entertainments have . been visits to plciys, ballets and pictures, and we would like to thank Miss Lilley for arranging these outings for us. We have been glad to knit socks, mittens and other gar-· :inents, and to support the Tuck Shops; we have also k'nitted a rug, in gay colours, for the Bush Children. . We would like to extend our best wishes to Miss Felgate, who, throughouf the year, has so generously thought of . the boarders. Owing to her interest in us, we are now the proud possessors of five very fine photographic studies of historical buildings, including the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. These have been reproduced from photographs which she took in England. In closing, we would like to extend a hearty welcome to the British children who have come to settle in our 'iand, and we hope that all strife in their homeland will soon be ended. ON THE FIELD. _ ' Inter-School Athletics, 1940. Photo by cour tesy The "Telegraph", Brisban-e 25 'Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 ·Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 Sports Notes SWIMMING. On two outstanding occasions in March of this year, the Valley Baths rang with the enthusiastic war cries of hundreds of excited supporters cheering the ir teams to victory. The first of these events was the Brockway Cup which resulted in a win :lor Somerville House and second place for our team, and the second, the Inter-School Swimming Carnival at which the School again took second place to Somerville House. We are all very grateful to Mr. Collin for his careful super · vision and his unfailing interest in us. Also we would like to thank Miss Y orston who coached the Life Savers for the Mc- Whirter Cup in which they gained second place. As our usual pool in Arthur Street has been undergoing a series of repairs, we have, this term, been swimming in the Ithaca Pool under the enthusiastic coaching of Miss Tomlinson. To every girl contemplating entry in the forthcoming School Carnival, we wish the best of luck and those of us who are not returning extend our heartiest good wishes to the girls who will participate in Inter-School events next year. J.S., Com. V. TENNIS. The match played against the Old Girls was the first of the season, and throughout the afternoon exciting matches were enjoyed, culminating in the defeat of both our A. and C. teams, and a victory for the B. team. With the entry of Clayfield College into the School fixtures this year the number of competing Schools totalled nine, with the result that we were able to play only one match against each school. We would like to thank those girls who assisted with the afternoon tea during matches played at School. The new courts IV. and V. received special attention this year, and were in excellent condition for the matches . Great interest was shown throughout the School in the various matches conducted during the Inter-Form tournament. Fifth was successful against Sixth in the finals after a very ex- "'ci'tt:hg tussle. The Senior ·Singles were contested by Dulcie Hungerford and Eleanor Witcombe, and resulted in Dulcie's victory. The Senior Doubles were won by Dulcie Hungerford B. TENNIS TEAM, 1940 M. Blanshard, M. Parsons (Capt.) , E. Witcombe, B. Young. and Stephanie Carrick, after a well-contested match against Marie Parsons and Margaret Blanshard. The Junior Doubles were won by Lorna Amoore cmd Valda Keefer, and the Junior Singles by Lorna Amoore. Not as many Junior members of the School as might have been expected entered the competition, but keen spirit was shown by those girls who did compete. Tennis classes were conducted for pupils throughout the year by Mr. England. In closing, we wish to thank Miss Jones for all the kind interest she has taken in the teams, and for the advice she has given us for the betterment of our standard of play. We con- gratulate Somerville House and St. Margaret's on winning the A. grade, and St. Aidan's and Somerville House on winning th~ B. grade pennant. CRITICISM OF THE TEAM. Ducie Hungerford has played well throughout the season, and the · high standard of play she maintained has earned her a Blue. Congratulaiionsl 26 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 December, 1940 they p layed a quick, strong game which showed good com- bination. During the season we were unfortunate in losing Phyllis Batt and Alda Toni from the A. team and Charlotte King from the B. team. Their places were filled by June Ashton, Heather MacKenzie and Shirley Woodward. The Inter-Form matches were very exciting a nd everybody tried hard to w in, but, after a very close and strenuous match Commercial V. defeated Sixth Form. The team have enjoyed this Net-ball season very much indeed and we hope that next year 's teams will enjoy their season as much as we have. vVe are very much indebted to Miss Muirhead and to Miss Donaldson for all the time and encouragement they gave to us, and also to those girl s who so willingly served the afternoon teas when Inter-School matches were played on our court. CRITICISM OF THE TEAM. Joan Cusack (defender) played a steady game throughout the season ~nd used her height to advantage. Her deience work was good and her catchmg sound. Glynis Law (assistant defender) proved a very reliable member of the team a nd showed great determination. Although her passing was sometimes a little slow, her jumping and catching were sound and she combined well w ith the defence and centre courts. Margaret Shepley (defence wing) was an inexperienced player and tended to lose her position, but her jumping was good. June Ashton (centre) showed excellent spirii in every match and, despite h er late admission to the team, she combined well with the defence and attack courts. Heather MacKenzie (attack wing) did not always maintain her own standard of good play and could improve her jumping and catching. Elsie Vickers (assistant goaler) goaled very reliably throughout the season and made good use of her height. She should prove a valuable member of next year's team. B.L. VI. Betty Lugg has been a very good captain. She is an exce:Uent player, and deserves the Blue she has won. ATHLETICS. In the Second Term of the year we once again turned our minds to Athletics and the enthusiasm sh own in the Form practices promised well for the Inter-School teams. On Exhibition Friday we held our Inter-Form Sports on the B.G.S. turf, kindly lent to us by Mr. Carson-Cooling. The keen- ness of the girls who had been well trained by Miss Elliott, 29 Her driving is good, and her p lacement excellent. Her service could be brought up to the high standard of her other strokes by practice. Stephanie Carrick has played with excellent spirit throughout the season, and has proved a very willing team member. Her backhand needs to be improved, as does her service, but her net-work and placement are good. Lorna Amoore entered A grade tennis this year, and has given a good account of herself. Her backhand is stylish and forceful, and she has fairly good placement, but she should endeavour to be more energetic in retrieving balls. Alison Aland (captain) has been a very helpful and energetic member of the team. Her backhand strokes are well controlled and her play at the net has improved. Her forehand drive needs to be controlled and her second service needs to be as forceful as her first one. i DULCIE HUNGERFORD Photo by E. Kelly, IVD. NET-BALL NOTES. Once again the Net-ball season commenced with very en- joyable matches against the Old Girls which resulted in a victory for the Old Girls ' A. team and for our own B. team. The Inter-School matches provided keen competition and our congratulations go to the State Commercial High School who won the A. team pennant. Our B. team was successful in winning the B, team penna!lt and throughout the season 28: Deceml:!er, 194(,1 Brisbane Girls' Gramme'" School Magazine Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 Miss Donaldson, and Miss Tomlinson, and the assistance and interest of the mistresses made this a very successful day. Miss Mollison's Cup was won by VI. who gained 47 points, with II!. B. and IV. A. second and third with 36 and 32 points respectively. After much serious practice, we were able, on the Inter- School Sports Day, to put a strong team on to the field, but as the standard of the sports was very high this year, we gained only third place. We would like to congratulate Somer- ville House who won the Senior and Association Cups and St. Margaret's who won .the Junior Cup. Our girls gave a good performance both in team work and individual events and as a result many of the records that were broken came to our school. We won both the Senr. and Junr. B. Relay races in record time and Margaret Hynd, by her fine win in the 50 yards (14 years) which was run in record time, 6 2/5 seconds, again qualified for her Blue. Glynis Law also quali- fied again for her Blue by winning the 75 yards and 100 yards (17 years), both in record time. Pockets were won by Mari Morris, Norma Oliphant, Rene Pittman, Phyllis Pledger, Edna Smith, June Elliott, Margaret Batt, Mary Stormonth, Joan Beech, Marie Halford, Margaret Brown, Annette Denniss, Hilary Hodgson, Jean Saunders, Joan Moodie, Mary Hall, Helen Small and Gwen Fairbrother. The competition should be very keen next year and we feel sure that our teams will compete with the same excellent spirit which they have always shown. G.L. VI. f 3Q , 31 December, 1940 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine There were so many in the Club this y;e,ar that we had to divide into Wanderers A. and B., membership · being changed after six months. We "wandered" in two parties, but united to hear other wanderers speaking. Our first speaker was Dr. F. Whitehouse who spoke of little known parts of Australia in a very interesting manner. Mrs. Booth, the first woman on the New Guinea goldfields gave us a very interesting . account of her experiences and showed us views of New Guinea. Miss R. Felgate took us through England in imagination and Mr. Hinckley transported us there by means of moving pictures . · Mr. Bevington showed us very interesting specimens from the Museum and Dr. Dorothy Hill, herself an old girl of the School, gave us some insight into the study of maps. The first expedition . of Wanderers A. was to the "Courier- Mail" and 4BK. There, I may add, some twenty of us were caught in a very stubborn lift which refused to budge in either direction. Very exciting! Other interesting expeditions . were made to the Russian Church, the City Hall, Parliament House, the Art Reference Library, and Miss Cottew's and Miss Robinson's Art Show. · Wan<;lerers B. went to the Story Bridge on one occasion and their members assured us that they enjoyed it very much. . Other places visit!3d by them included the Meteorological Eureau, the Museu_m, theArt Reference Library, the Art Gallery, and St. John's Cathedr_al. . We would like to thank all those who have made our Club so enjoyable and als~ Miss Lilley for mahng it po~sible to have Clubs . · Miss Benney and Miss Crooks, as Wanderers-in- Chie£, have alw(rys been helpful in ·making our wandering possible. . L.M.P., VI., Secretary. CLUB NOTES. .- l" . . We .members of the First Aid Club have really enjoyed our mterestmg and valuable lectures on Friday afternoons, and we feel very gateful to Dr. Dart and Mr. Hosier for the patience and time which they have expended on us . Naturally we are all rather proud of having passed in the recent First Aid examinations, and we sincerely hope that if ever the need to use our knowledge really arises we may be able to help others . It would seem, however ,that we need to acquire a little more of the proverbial gentleness of a first aic;ler . Judging by the protesting groans issuing from long suff~ring :·patients" during pratices, we have not developed the touch Perhaps this comes with practice. Many of us will find First Aid very useful next year if we wish to help in the war work being done by various groups a nd we thank Miss Lilley for arranging the classes which wer~ c:n innovation this year. The club proved very popular when hrst formed and the enthusiasm was retained by every pro- spective First Aider. B.W. VI. THE WANDERERS~ CLUB. Have you ever seen • Parliament in Session or the City Council Chamber? Did you know that the heavy ceremonial robe worn by the Priest in the Russian Church, Vulture Street, is embroidered with gold and came from Moscow? Have you seen the sound effects used in a radio production? You haven't? Well, you ought to be a Wanderer. 32 ' . . For the last three terms the Orchestra has continued its good work of the previous year and has practised regularly 4:,ach Friday afternoon. · · · 33 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine Decem"er, 1940 We planned our own designs and painted them on the use- ful articles we made. Making things by hand is very interesting and enjoyable. We commenced with barbola paste brooches and gaily painted suede mats. Novel fobs were made from small scraps of suede. Bead weaving enabled us to make bracelets, belts and tea-pot stands. Geometric designs were planned and stitched with coloured wools and cottons into canvas mesh which we made up into purses. Then we tried the art of lino cutting. This helped us to understand how printing is done . Each girl was anxious ~o see how her lino cut would print. The prints will decorate calendars and be used as pictures. Miss Cottew and Miss Foote demonstrated the use of the "poker" machine and kindly allowed us 1he use of their machines to decorate wooden dishes, trays, egg-cups, bread boards, etc. When painted these wooden articles were given a coat of varnish and looked very attractive. Some of the girls were keen about modelling and sketching so they were allowed to carry out their ideas. We were able to exhibit some of our work in the Art display given in the Studio when a Bazaar was 'held . at School before the mid-winter holidays. Our last craft effort for the year was learning to cast in plaster of Paris; we used teaspoons as our moulds and inserted small safety pins in the plaster, later painting on our designs and varnishing the surface. We were always busy and happy at our craft work and feel that we benefited greatly for which we thank Miss Lilley and our instructors very much. From Third Form Members. · CAMERA CLUB. In the Camera Club this year there were about sixteen members, Fourth-Formers and Third-Formers. Mrs. Gleghorn and Mrs. Marshall helped us and each Friday afternoon we met in III . C. class-room. During the past twelve months , the Club has greatly bene- fited from lectures given by Mr. Gibbons from the Kodak Company. From the knowledge thus gained I am sure that many of the Club will have interesting snapshots to display after the Christmas holidays. Mr. Gibbons explained to the members of the Club the origin of the camera and he also ·brought along. photos to At the Garden Party held in the· last week of the second term we played the "Nautical. Suite" (Rowley). This is not our only achievement . for our repertoire now includes seventeeth century classical dances and a group of light dinne r music. We offer our congratulations to Mavis Hinckley, our accom- panist, who obtained her letters AMus.A., and to our deputy accompanist Clarice Whitmee on passing Grade II. (practical) with honours. ' Under the capable baton of Miss Hetherington we feel we have improved and we express our appreciation for the valuable time she has devoted to the orchestra. G.H., VI. MUSIC CLUB. During the first half of this year many an enjoyable hour was spent singing solos and choruses from Gounod's "Faust." The enthusiasm of the members, including a number of soloists, made this ambitious venture very successful, and at the Garden Party on June 18th "Faust" selections by the Music Club formed part of the continuous mvsical programme in the Assembly Hall. · After mid-winter we were very sorry to lose an old member and gifted soloist in Shirley Groves. In the past Shirley gave staunch support to the Club and had taken leading . parts in our concerts. She was included in the choir conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham in the rendition of Handel's oratorio "The Messiah." We wish her every success for the future and hope to hear her again in the sphere of music. · The third term was begun with the learning of choruses from !'The Chocolate Soldier," the light gaiety of which was ap- preciated by all, and contrasted with the music of "Faust." The emotions a roused by the war have this term been given expression in a selection of patriotic songs. This includes many national favourites such as "Land of Hope and Glory," "Ad- vance Australia Fa ir," and "The Red, White and Blue ." This year we regret having lost a number of very active members, but hope in the coming year to have a bigger and better Club and present our postponed concert. E.K.W. HANDICRAFTS CLUB. During the winter months Miss Lilley kindly allowed us to meet together on a Friday afternoon. As our club numbered seventy members we were divided into two groups. 34 35~ Brisbone Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 Brisbane -Girls' Grammar School Magazine December, 1940 illustrate the errors which beginners are likely to make . . One afternoon he showed us how to develop and print both in the dark and in the light. Mrs. Sachs took as a gift from us to the R.A.A.F. recruits for afternoon tea. Then to add to our cooking interests we made savouries for the Sixth Form Dance, and these formed quite a tempting delicacy on the various tables. Our last cooking lesson was spent in making marzipan which we fashioned into a number of fruit shapes. We do sincerely thank Mrs. Sachs for her understanding teaching and the time she has so ungrudgingly given -us. LIBRARY. We should like to express our appreciation of a ll those who have so generously donated books to the Library this year. and to Dr. Turnbull for his very generous donations. Our sincere thanks to all Old Girls(including Madeline Mot!, AudreyBrother- ton, Joyce Jackson, Barbara Given, Lenore Michin, -Marjotie Gibson, Nancy Shannon, Cynthia Hamilton, Mary England, Joyce Cameron, Bernice Lound, Joan Grey, Marjorie Elliott, Joan Affleck and Margaret Morris) who have sent us books, and to Miss May Philp for a copy of "The Memoirs of the Hon. Sir Robert Philp," and to the Rev. John Sinclair for "King's Nurse, Beggar's Nurse" by Sister Catherine Black. The Beanland Library has also been enriched by new books including "The Consolidated Encyclopaedia" in ten volumes, "The Oxford Companions to Music and to Classical Literature," "The Story of the Bible" in four volumes, "The Bible designed to be read as Literature," and "The Companion to Latin Studies." The periodicals seem to have been particularly popular this year, especially as, besides the old favourites including the ever popular Punch, the Reading Table now bears copies of Picture Post, Bystander, Home, and a well illustrated magazine which will be bound and placed in the Library, with copies of the National Geographic Magazine, which, in themselves, are forming the nucleus of a valuable geographical reference library. The Old Girls have been working energetically to provide us with better Library facilities and their efforts have been crowned with a good measure of success . We were indeed proud to see the fine maple bookcase, valued at £55, which they have presented to the School, standing in the hall on Old Girls' Day, and we deem this very expressive of the deep and generous interest which they have shown and are continuing to show in the School. We should like to thank them very sincerely indeed for this gift and say that we, too, are doing_ our 'little bit,' as the Library Furnishing Fund now st0nds at £57/12/1, £5 having been added again this year. · M.N.C,, V. 37 , STORY BRIDGE FROM BOTANIC GARDENS Ph oto by Audrey Wright During one of his lectures we went out into the grounds of the School and took snaps of the school building, the grounds and groups of people. On another occasion we went down to the Botanical ·Gardens, where there were many interesting views to be taken. Our Annual Form picnics gave the members of the Club an opportunity of showing their skill and many interesting photos have since been displayed. <~ Photography is a very pleasing pastime and I am sure the Camera Club of this year has enjoyed itself very much . COOKING CLUB. Cooking being so essential to housekyeping, we, cookers, must not be content to hide our light beneath a bushel. While others have been directing their skill in diverse activities, the cookers have been spending many anxious but enjoyable min~ u,te.s waiting expectantly for the various mixtures to take shape. We spent our first cooking lesson making sweets, but we soon abandoned these for more substantial foodstuffs . How- ~ver we have treated ourselves to several luxuries including waffles, cream. puffs, chocolate eclairs and banana cr~ams. Then under Mrs. Sachs' tuition we turned our at!Eintfon to emergency cooking, we also made a nut and date loaf which 36
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